<li>Prices are determined using the CoinGecko crypto market API.</li>
<li>If no more funds are left the node will be destroyed.</li>
<li>I will leave the operation available to refill for a few days.</li>
<li>You need to send at least ~{{ prices['minimum_xmr'] }} XMR to launch the node (this fluctuates).</li>
<li>You need to send at least ~{{ prices['minimum_xmr'] | round(4) }} XMR to launch the node (this fluctuates).</li>
<h1>Pricing Details</h1>
{% include 'includes/pricing_details.html' %}
<h1>Donation Info</h1>
<p>Donations will help me ramp up operations and scale out to more nodes since the pricing is mostly break-even (except for small maintenance fee).</p>