@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ services:
- xmrdata:/home/monero/.bitmonero
- 8081:8081
command: "./xmrblocks --daemon-url=monerod:18089 --enable-json-api --enable-autorefresh-option --enable-emission-monitor --enable-pusher"
@ -302,6 +303,18 @@ alias xmrblocksmainnet='~/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer/build/xmrblocks --
alias xmrblockstestnet='~/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer/build/xmrblocks -t --port 8082 --mainnet-url "" --enable-pusher --enable-emission-monitor'
Example usage when running via Docker:
# Run in foreground
docker run -it -v < path-to-monero-blockckain-on-the-host > :/home/monero/.bitmonero -p 8081:8081 xmrblocks "./xmrblocks --daemon-url=node.sethforprivacy.com:18089 --enable-json-api --enable-autorefresh-option --enable-emission-monitor --enable-pusher"
# Run in background
docker run -it -d -v < path-to-monero-blockchain-on-the-host > :/home/monero/.bitmonero -p 8081:8081 xmrblocks "./xmrblocks --daemon-url=node.sethforprivacy.com:18089 --enable-json-api --enable-autorefresh-option --enable-emission-monitor --enable-pusher"
Make sure to always start the portion of command line flags with `./xmrblocks` and set any flags you would like after that, as shown above.
## Enable Monero emission
Obtaining current Monero emission amount is not straight forward. Thus, by default it is