@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ CurrentBlockchainStatus::start_monitor_blockchain_thread()
string emmision_saved_file = get_output_file_path().string();
// read stored emission data if possible
if (boost::filesystem::exists(emmision_saved_file))
if (!load_current_emission_amount())
@ -101,17 +102,36 @@ CurrentBlockchainStatus::update_current_emission_amount()
uint64_t current_blockchain_height = current_height;
end_block = end_block > current_blockchain_height ? current_blockchain_height : end_block;
// blockchain_chunk_gap is used so that we
// never read and store few top blocks
// the emission in the top few blocks will be calcalted
// later
end_block = end_block > current_blockchain_height
? current_blockchain_height - blockchain_chunk_gap
: end_block;
uint64_t temp_emission_amount {0};
uint64_t temp_fee_amount {0};
Emission emission_calculated = calculate_emission_in_blocks(blk_no, end_block);
while (blk_no < end_block)
current_emission.coinbase += emission_calculated.coinbase;
current_emission.fee += emission_calculated.fee;
current_emission.blk_no = emission_calculated.blk_no;
total_emission_atomic = current_emission;
cout << "total emission: " << string(current_emission) << endl;
uint64_t start_blk, uint64_t end_blk)
Emission emission_calculated {0, 0, 0};
while (start_blk < end_blk)
block blk;
mcore->get_block_by_height(blk_no, blk);
mcore->get_block_by_height(start_blk, blk);
uint64_t coinbase_amount = get_outs_money_amount(blk.miner_tx);
@ -127,23 +147,20 @@ CurrentBlockchainStatus::update_current_emission_amount()
tx_fee_amount += get_tx_fee(tx);
temp_emission_amount += coinbase_amount - tx_fee_amount;
temp_fee_amount += tx_fee_amount;
(void) missed_txs;
emission_calculated.coinbase += coinbase_amount - tx_fee_amount;
emission_calculated.fee += tx_fee_amount;
current_emission.coinbase += temp_emission_amount;
current_emission.fee += temp_fee_amount;
current_emission.blk_no = blk_no;
total_emission_atomic = current_emission;
emission_calculated.blk_no = start_blk;
cout << "total emission: " << string(current_emission) << endl;
return emission_calculated;
@ -232,7 +249,79 @@ CurrentBlockchainStatus::get_output_file_path()
return total_emission_atomic.load();
// we store gap emission from last few blocks
// we use it together with last_block_hash, so that
// we can reuse gap emission if hash is same between
// requests. no need to always keep recalucalting
// it, if top block hash is same as last time.
static Emission total_emission_gap {0, 0, 0};
static crypto::hash last_block_hash {null_hash};
// get current emission
Emission current_emission = total_emission_atomic;
// this emission will be few blocks behind current blockchain
// height. By default 3 blocks. So we need to calcualate here
// the emission from the top missing blocks, to have complete
// emission data.
Emission gap_emission_calculated {0, 0, 0};
crypto::hash top_block_id = core_storage->get_tail_id();
if (last_block_hash == top_block_id)
// if we already calclated gap for the same few blocks
// just reuse the emission calcualted for the gap.
//cout << "reusing total_emission_gap" << endl;
gap_emission_calculated = total_emission_gap;
// if top height has change for whatever reason, e.g, new block
// was added, blockchain reoraganization happened, then
// recaulate the gap emission
//cout << "recalculate total_emission_gap" << endl;
uint64_t current_blockchain_height = current_height;
uint64_t start_blk = current_emission.blk_no;
// this should be at current hight or above
// as we calculate missing blocks only for top blockchain
// height
uint64_t end_block = start_blk + blockchain_chunk_gap;
if (end_block >= current_blockchain_height && start_blk < current_blockchain_height)
// make sure we are not over the blockchain height
end_block = end_block > current_blockchain_height
? current_blockchain_height : end_block;
// calculated emission for missing blocks
gap_emission_calculated = calculate_emission_in_blocks(start_blk, end_block);
// store calcualted gap emission for future use
total_emission_gap = gap_emission_calculated;
// update stored top block hash
last_block_hash = top_block_id;
//cout << "gap_emission_calculated: " << std::string(gap_emission_calculated) << endl;
current_emission.coinbase += gap_emission_calculated.coinbase;
current_emission.fee += gap_emission_calculated.fee;
current_emission.blk_no = gap_emission_calculated.blk_no > 0
? gap_emission_calculated.blk_no
: current_emission.blk_no;
return current_emission;
@ -251,6 +340,8 @@ string CurrentBlockchainStatus::deamon_url {"http:://"};
uint64_t CurrentBlockchainStatus::blockchain_chunk_size {10000};
uint64_t CurrentBlockchainStatus::blockchain_chunk_gap {3};
atomic<uint64_t> CurrentBlockchainStatus::current_height {0};
atomic<CurrentBlockchainStatus::Emission> CurrentBlockchainStatus::total_emission_atomic;