@ -142,6 +142,109 @@ Example output:
Go to your browser:
## Compiling and running with Docker
The explorer can also be compiled using `docker build` as described below. By default it compiles
against latest release (`release-v0.17`) branch of monero:
# build using all CPU cores
docker build --no-cache -t xmrblocks .
# alternatively, specify number of cores to use (e.g. 2)
docker build --no-cache --build-arg NPROC=2 -t xmrblocks .
# to build against development branch of monero (i.e. master branch)
docker build --no-cache --build-arg NPROC=3 --build-arg MONERO_BRANCH=master -t xmrblocks .
- The build needs 3 GB space.
- The final container image is 179MB.
To run it, mount the monero blockchain onto the container as volume.
# either run in foreground
docker run -it -v < path-to-monero-blockckain-on-the-host > :/home/monero/.bitmonero -p 8081:8081 xmrblocks
# or in background
docker run -it -d -v < path-to-monero-blockchain-on-the-host > :/home/monero/.bitmonero -p 8081:8081 xmrblocks
Example output:
docker run --rm -it -v /mnt/w7/bitmonero:/home/monero/.bitmonero -p 8081:8081 xmrblocks
Staring in non-ssl mode
(2020-04-20 16:20:00) [INFO ] Crow/0.1 server is running at using 1 threads
### Docker Compose example
The explorer can also be built and run using Docker Compose, i.e.:
version: '3'
image: sethsimmons/simple-monerod:latest
restart: unless-stopped
container_name: monerod
- xmrdata:/home/monero/.bitmonero
- 18080:18080
- 18089:18089
- "--rpc-restricted-bind-ip="
- "--rpc-restricted-bind-port=18089"
- "--public-node"
- "--no-igd"
- "--enable-dns-blocklist"
- "--prune-blockchain"
image: xmrblocks:latest
build: ./onion-monero-blockchain-explorer
container_name: explore
restart: unless-stopped
- xmrdata:/home/monero/.bitmonero
- 8081:8081
command: ["./xmrblocks --daemon-url=monerod:18089 --enable-json-api --enable-autorefresh-option --enable-emission-monitor --enable-pusher"]
To build this image, run the following:
git clone https://github.com/moneroexamples/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer.git
docker-compose build
Or build and run in one step via:
git clone https://github.com/moneroexamples/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer.git
docker-compose up -d
When running via Docker, please use something like [Traefik ](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/ ) or [enable SSL ](#enable-ssl-https ) to secure communications.
## The explorer's command line options
@ -211,6 +314,19 @@ alias xmrblocksmainnet='~/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer/build/xmrblocks --
alias xmrblockstestnet='~/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer/build/xmrblocks -t --port 8082 --mainnet-url "" --enable-pusher --enable-emission-monitor'
Example usage when running via Docker:
# Run in foreground
docker run -it -v < path-to-monero-blockckain-on-the-host > :/home/monero/.bitmonero -p 8081:8081 xmrblocks "./xmrblocks --daemon-url=node.sethforprivacy.com:18089 --enable-json-api --enable-autorefresh-option --enable-emission-monitor --enable-pusher"
# Run in background
docker run -it -d -v < path-to-monero-blockchain-on-the-host > :/home/monero/.bitmonero -p 8081:8081 xmrblocks "./xmrblocks --daemon-url=node.sethforprivacy.com:18089 --enable-json-api --enable-autorefresh-option --enable-emission-monitor --enable-pusher"
Make sure to always start the portion of command line flags with `./xmrblocks` and set any flags you would like after that, as shown above.
## Enable Monero emission
Obtaining current Monero emission amount is not straight forward. Thus, by default it is