update readme and imagtes

lza_menace 7 months ago
parent d19a486e91
commit afcd262e93

@ -1,59 +1,66 @@
# Wownero
# docker-wownero
Container images for the official Wownero software code compiled or downloaded to provide daemon, wallet CLI, and wallet RPC binaries.
Simple way to run a Wownero node with some basic monitoring tools packaged in.
[Dockerfiles](./dockerfiles/) are available for building images of your choice; `wownerod_nocompile` can be used for fetching pre-built binaries, the `wownerod_compile_*` are used for fully building and compiling the C++ software.
Leverages [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/overview/), [Grafana](https://grafana.com/), [nodemapper](./dockerfiles/nodemapper.py), and [monero-exporter](https://github.com/cirocosta/monero-exporter) on top of `wownerod`.
## Node-in-a-box
## Setup
The simplest way to get started is to use `docker-compose` and turn up the provided services, including the Wownero daemon, monitoring tools, and a visualization/graphing tool.
The only requirements are [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) and [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/). Ensure those are installed on your system. There's an optional `Makefile` provided if you'd like to use that, just ensure `make` is installed.
docker-compose up -d
# wownerod available at ports 34567 and 34568
# prometheus available at port 9090
# exporter (/metrics) available at port 9000
# grafana available at port 3000
# Clone and enter the repository
git clone https://git.cloud.lzahq.tech/nerodev/docker-wownero
cd docker-wownero
# OPTIONAL: Setup Grafana password, blockchain storage location, or port and container image tag overrides
cp env-example .env
vim .env
# Build containers
docker-compose build # make build
You can host the node on an official DNS endpoint for public usage or keep it local for your own private usage.
The following ports will be bound for `wownerod` by default, but you can override in `.env`:
- 34567 # p2p
- 34568 # restricted rpc
- 34570 # unrestricted rpc
The following ports are commented out but can be enabled to test things locally:
- 9090 # prometheus web ui
- 3000 # grafana web ui
- 9000 # exporter web api (/metrics)
- 5000 # nodemapper web api (/metrics)
You will want to open/allow ports 34567 and 34568 in your firewall for usage as a remote/public node (or whichever p2p and restricted ports you picked).
Also, you may want to setup a reverse proxy to Grafana if you would like to expose the visualizations for the world to see. Be sure to lock down the administrative settings or leave login disabled!
## Manual Daemon and Wallet Setup
## Usage
The node and wallet software is in the same package, so both can be used from within the Docker container.
It's fairly simple, use `docker-compose` to bring the containers up and down and look at logs.
# build container image by fetching binaries
docker build -t wownero -f dockerfiles/wownerod_nocompile dockerfiles
# or build container image by compiling from source (simple)
docker build -t wownero -f dockerfiles/wownerod_compile_simple dockerfiles
# create network bridge so containers can communicate
docker network create --driver=bridge wownero
# run wownero daemon with RPC bindings
docker run -d --rm --name wownero-daemon \
--net=wownero \
-v daemon:/data \
-p 34568:34568 \
wownero \
wownerod \
--data-dir=/data \
--rpc-bind-ip= \
--confirm-external-bind \
# run wownero-wallet-cli
docker run --rm -it --name wownero-wallet \
--net=wownero \
-v wallet:/data \
wownero \
wownero-wallet-cli \
--trusted-daemon \
--daemon-address wownero-daemon:34568
# Run containers
docker-compose up -d # make up
# Check all logs
docker-compose logs -f
# Check monerod logs
docker-compose logs -f monerod # make logs
Navigate to http://localhost:3000 and log into Grafana. Find the `Node Stats` dashboard to get those sweet, sweet graphs.
If you've installed this on another system you will want to use [SSH tunnels](https://www.ssh.com/ssh/tunneling/example) (local forwarding) to reach Grafana (if not exposing via reverse proxy):
ssh <VPS OR SERVER IP> -L 3000:localhost:3000
Then navigate to http://localhost:3000. Here is what the graph looks like:

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