Container images for the official Wownero software code compiled or downloaded to provide daemon, wallet CLI, and wallet RPC binaries.
[Dockerfiles](./dockerfiles/) are available for building images of your choice; `wownerod_nocompile` can be used for fetching pre-built binaries, the `wownerod_compile_*` are used for fully building and compiling the C++ software.
## Node-in-a-box
The simplest way to get started is to use `docker-compose` and turn up the provided services, including the Wownero daemon, monitoring tools, and a visualization/graphing tool.
docker-compose up -d
# wownerod available at ports 34567 and 34568
# prometheus available at port 9090
# exporter (/metrics) available at port 9000
# grafana available at port 3000
You can host the node on an official DNS endpoint for public usage or keep it local for your own private usage.
## Manual Daemon and Wallet Setup
The node and wallet software is in the same package, so both can be used from within the Docker container.