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Authentication is pluggable in wg-access-server. Community contributions are welcome for supporting new authentication backends.

If you're just getting started you can skip over this section and rely on the default admin account instead.

If your authentication system is not yet supported and you aren't quite ready to contribute you could try using a project like dex or SaaS provider like Auth0 which supports a wider variety of authentication protocols. wg-access-server can happily be an OpenID Connect client to a larger solution like this.

The following authentication backends are currently supported:

Backend Use Case Notes
Basic Auth Deployments with a static list of users. Simple and great for self-hosters and home use-cases The wg-access-server admin account is powered by this backend
OpenID Connect For delegating authentication to an existing identity solution
Gitlab For delegating authentication to gitlab. Supports self-hosted Gitlab.


Currently authentication providers are only configurable via the wg-access-server config file (config.yaml).

Below is an annotated example config section that can be used as a starting point.

# Configure zero or more authentication backends
  # HTTP Basic Authentication
    # Users is a list of htpasswd encoded username:password pairs
    # supports BCrypt, Sha, Ssha, Md5
    # You can create a user using "htpasswd -nB <username>"
    users: []
    # A name for the backend (can be anything you want)
    name: "My OIDC Backend"
    # Should point to the OIDC Issuer (excluding /.well-known/openid-configuration)
    issuer: ""
    # Your OIDC client credentials which would be provided by your OIDC provider
    clientID: "<client-id>"
    clientSecret: "<client-secret>"
    # List of scopes to request defaults to ["openid"]
      - openid
    # The full redirect URL
    # The path can be almost anything as long as it doesn't
    # conflict with a path that the web UI uses.
    # /callback is recommended.
    redirectURL: ""
    # You can optionally restrict access to users with an email address
    # that matches an allowed domain.
    # If empty or omitted then all email domains will be allowed.
    # This is an advanced feature that allows you to define
    # OIDC claim mapping expressions.
    # This feature is used to define wg-access-server admins
    # based off a claim in your OIDC token
    # See for how to write rules
      admin: "'WireguardAdmins' in group_membership"
    name: "My Gitlab Backend"
    baseURL: ""
    clientID: "<client-id>"
    clientSecret: "<client-secret>"
    redirectURL: "https:///"