first push

lalanza808 9 years ago
commit 0d7da8ac1b

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
The Pirate Bay scraper -
Uses 2 external libraries for scraping HTML elements from ThePirateBay.
Asks user for a search selection, offers a list of choices, and grabs the magent link for the selection.
__author__ = 'LANCE'
# Built-in libraries
from platform import system as operatingSystem
from os import path, system
from urllib import urlretrieve
from re import search
from time import sleep
# 3rd party libraries
import requests
import bs4
results = {}
links = []
choice = ""
tpb = ""
def getSearchURL():
Takes input string to search for on TPB.
Formats string into proper url
searchString = raw_input("[+] What would you like to search?\n>")
searchURL = "{}/search/{}/0/7/0".format(tpb, searchString) #/0/7/0 tells TPB to sort descending by seeds
pageSource = requests.get(searchURL, verify=False).text #Use requests lib to fetch page source for bs4 parsing
analyzeURL(pageSource) #Run analyzeURL function, passing page source
def analyzeURL(source):
Takes the page source and parses it with BeautifulSoup.
Finds all anchor elements on the page, pre-sorted by seeders
Enumerates list of elements, and adds them to results dictionary
print "\n"
global links
global results
pageSoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(source) #Create Beautiful Soup object
for link in pageSoup.find_all('a'): #Find all anchor elements in page source
if link.get('href').startswith('/torrent'): #Filter items that don't start with /torrent
links.append(link.get('href')) #Set the initial results to array 'links'
for number,link in enumerate(links): #Enumerate the array so the numbers start at 0
results.update({number:link}) #Append results to results dictionary
print "({}) {}".format(number, path.basename(link))
if results: #If dict is not empty, continue with script
print "\n(98) Search again"
print "(99) Exit"
else: #If dict is empty (no results from search) re-run script
print "\nNo results found. Try again."
results = {}
links = []
getSearchURL() #Loop back to script start
def chooseTorrent():
Asks for selection of torrent, and prepares for the download
global links, results
selection = int(raw_input("\n*** Enter the digit of the torrent to download.\n>"))
if selection == 98:
print "\nStarting over"
results = {}
links = []
getSearchURL() #Loop back to start
elif selection == 99:
print "\nBye.\n"
exit() #Quit script
elif selection in results: #If selection exists, set value to 'choice' variable
choice = results[selection] #Updates variable based on key provided above, matches it with results dict
else: #If anything other than 98, 99, or valid key number entered, loop back to selection input
print "\nNot a valid number"
except ValueError:
print "\nThat is not a digit."
def downloadTorrent(torrent):
Grabs the first magnet link and initiates the download
# TPB no longer uses torrents as subdomain. Changing script to direct add magnet links
#torrentName = search("/torrent/(.*)", torrent) #Strip out first portion of string (/torrent/)
#torrentURL = "{}.torrent".format( #TPB uses subdomain 'torrents' to host .torrent files
magnetLinks = []
torrentPage = requests.get("{}/{}".format(tpb, torrent), verify=False)
torrentPageSoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(torrentPage.content)
for link in torrentPageSoup.find_all('a'):
if str(link.get('href')).startswith('magnet:?xt'):
torrentURL = magnetLinks[0]
print "\n*** Adding magnet link:\n\n{}".format(torrentURL)
#urlretrieve(torrentURL, path.basename(torrentURL)) #Save torrent file as same name
checkOS(path.basename(torrentURL)) #Check host operating system for proper torrent client
def checkOS(torrentDownload):
Checks host operating system and determines how to start the torrent transfer
if operatingSystem() == "Windows": #Windows is finished at this point
openCode = system("start {}".format(torrentDownload)) #Simply open it, default torrent client opens
if openCode == 0:
exit(0) #Clean exit
print "\nYou need a torrent client installed.\n"
checkTransmission(torrentDownload) #For linux systems running transmission-cli
def checkTransmission(torrentDownload):
Checks for the existence of transmission-remote, necessary for starting torrents
whichCode = system("which transmission-remote")
print "\n"
if whichCode == 0:
system("transmission-remote localhost:9091 -a {}".format(torrentDownload))
if __name__ == "__main__":

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Pirate
Command line HTML parser/scraper used for grabbing torrents from [ThePirateBay](
Initially made for the older version with torrents hosted from a separate subdomain, but now modified for grabbing magnet links instead.
## Usage
Place the script somewhere in your executable path. I like ~/bin
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ echo 'PATH=$PATH:~/bin' > .bashrc
Then just run it
The rest is self explanatory