fix bugs, fix auth logic

lza_menace 4 years ago
parent ddfb382e50
commit 0a3f190a85

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ def create_app():
def load_user(user_id):
from xmrbackers.models import User
user = User.query.get(user_id)
user = User.get(user_id)
return user
return app
bcrypt = Bcrypt(create_app())

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from quart import flash, redirect, url_for
from flask_login import login_user, logout_user, current_user
from xmrbackers.factory import bcrypt
from xmrbackers.forms import Register
from xmrbackers.forms import Register, Login
from xmrbackers.models import User
@ -13,17 +13,18 @@ bp = Blueprint('auth', 'auth')
@bp.route("/register", methods=["GET", "POST"])
async def register():
form = Register()
# if current_user.is_authenticated:
# flash('Already registered and authenticated.')
# return redirect(url_for('meta.index'))
# return 'gotem'
if current_user.is_authenticated:
await flash('Already registered and authenticated.')
return redirect(url_for('meta.index'))
if form.validate_on_submit():
# Check if email already exists
user = User.query.filter_by(
user = ==
if user:
flash('This email is already registered.')
# return redirect(url_for('auth.login'))
return 'gotem'
await flash('This email is already registered.')
return redirect(url_for('auth.login'))
# Save new user
user = User(
@ -34,65 +35,47 @@ async def register():
return redirect(url_for('meta.index'))
return await render_template("auth/register.html", form=form)
# @auth_bp.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"])
# def login():
# form = Login()
# if current_user.is_authenticated:
# flash('Already registered and authenticated.')
# return redirect(url_for('wallet.dashboard'))
# if form.validate_on_submit():
# # Check if user doesn't exist
# user = User.query.filter_by(
# if not user:
# flash('Invalid username or password.')
# return redirect(url_for('auth.login'))
# # Check if password is correct
# password_matches = bcrypt.check_password_hash(
# user.password,
# )
# if not password_matches:
# flash('Invalid username or password.')
# return redirect(url_for('auth.login'))
# # Capture event, login user, and redirect to wallet page
# capture_event(, 'login')
# login_user(user)
# return redirect(url_for('wallet.dashboard'))
# return render_template("auth/login.html", form=form)
# @auth_bp.route("/logout")
# def logout():
# if current_user.is_authenticated:
# docker.stop_container(current_user.wallet_container)
# capture_event(, 'stop_container')
# current_user.clear_wallet_data()
# capture_event(, 'logout')
# logout_user()
# return redirect(url_for('meta.index'))
# @auth_bp.route("/delete", methods=["GET", "POST"])
# @login_required
# def delete():
# form = Delete()
# if form.validate_on_submit():
# docker.stop_container(current_user.wallet_container)
# capture_event(, 'stop_container')
# sleep(1)
# docker.delete_wallet_data(
# capture_event(, 'delete_wallet')
# current_user.clear_wallet_data(reset_password=True, reset_wallet=True)
# flash('Successfully deleted wallet data')
# return redirect(url_for('wallet.setup'))
# else:
# flash('Please confirm deletion of the account')
# return redirect(url_for('wallet.dashboard'))
@bp.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"])
async def login():
form = Login()
if current_user.is_authenticated:
await flash('Already logged in.')
return redirect(url_for('meta.index'))
if form.validate_on_submit():
# Check if user doesn't exist
user = ==
if not user:
await flash('Invalid username or password.')
return redirect(url_for('auth.login'))
# Check if password is correct
password_matches = bcrypt.check_password_hash(
if not password_matches:
await flash('Invalid username or password.')
return redirect(url_for('auth.login'))
return redirect(url_for('meta.index'))
return await render_template("auth/login.html", form=form)
async def logout():
if current_user.is_authenticated:
await flash('Not authenticated!')
return redirect(url_for('meta.index'))
# @auth_bp.route("/reset/<string:hash>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
# def reset(hash):
# hash = PasswordReset.query.filter(PasswordReset.hash==hash).first()

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
{% include 'includes/head.html' %}
<body class="is-preload landing">
<div id="page-wrapper">
{% include 'includes/header.html' %}
<section id="banner">
<div class="content">
<form method="POST" action="{{ url_for('auth.login') }}">
{% for f in form %}
{% if == 'csrf_token' %}
{{ f }}
{% else %}
<div class="form-group">
{{ f.label }}
{{ f }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for field, errors in form.errors.items() %}
<li>{{ form[field].label }}: {{ ', '.join(errors) }}</li>
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="Login" class="btn btn-link btn-outline btn-xl">
<span class="image"><img src="/static/images/monero-logo.png" width=150px></span>
<a href="#swap" class="goto-next scrolly">Next</a>
{% include 'includes/footer.html' %}
{% include 'includes/scripts.html' %}

@ -6,16 +6,31 @@
<body class="is-preload landing">
<div id="page-wrapper">
{% include 'includes/header.html' %}
<section id="banner">
<div class="content">
<p>Authenticated: {{ current_user.is_authenticated }}</p>
{{ form.username }}
{{ form.password }}
{{ }}
<form method="POST" action="{{ url_for('auth.register') }}">
{% for f in form %}
{% if == 'csrf_token' %}
{{ f }}
{% else %}
<div class="form-group">
{{ f.label }}
{{ f }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for field, errors in form.errors.items() %}
<li>{{ form[field].label }}: {{ ', '.join(errors) }}</li>
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="Register" class="btn btn-link btn-outline btn-xl">
<span class="image"><img src="/static/images/monero-logo.png" width=150px></span>

@ -17,4 +17,6 @@
<meta name="twitter:image" content="">
<meta name="keywords" content="Wownero, Monero, crypto, swap">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/noty.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/noty-relax.css">

@ -2,8 +2,27 @@
<h1 id="logo"><a href="/">{{ config.SITE_NAME }}</a></h1>
<nav id="nav">
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/#search" class="button primary">Search</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ url_for('auth.login') }}">Login</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ url_for('auth.register') }}">Register</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ url_for('auth.logout') }}">Logout</a></li>
<p>Authenticated: {{ current_user.is_authenticated }}</p>
<script src="/static/js/noty.js"></script>
{% with messages = get_flashed_messages() %}
{% if messages %}
<script type="text/javascript">
{% for message in messages %}
new Noty({
type: 'error',
theme: 'relax',
layout: 'topCenter',
text: '{{ message }}',
timeout: 4500
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}

@ -1,9 +1 @@
<script src="/static/js/main.js"></script>
{% with messages = get_flashed_messages() %}
{% if messages %}
{% for message in messages %}
<p>{{ message }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}

@ -6,24 +6,15 @@
<body class="is-preload landing">
<div id="page-wrapper">
<header id="header">
<h1 id="logo"><a href="/">MyThing sample app</a></h1>
<nav id="nav">
<li><a href="/register" class="button primary">Register</a></li>
{% include 'includes/header.html' %}
<section id="banner">
<div class="content">
<p>This is a sample app.</p>
<p>This is a simple prototype and is under heavy development.</p>
<span class="image"><img src="/static/images/monero-logo.png" width=150px></span>
<a href="#swap" class="goto-next scrolly">Next</a>
{% include 'includes/footer.html' %}
