Open marketplace application for buying and selling items with digital cash.
This repo is archived. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Go to file
lance 956164cc15 fix broken bid view test
bids fix broken bid view test
bin dockerizing the remaining components, prepping for stage deployment
core upgrade font awesome, adjust some css, update templates, add help page
items clean up item views - make missing items handle more gracefully
sales speed up payment check and fix incoming tx check bug
web remove these hardcoded social links
xmrauctions remove email
.coveragerc cleaning up code and writing tests
.dockerignore dockerizing the remaining components, prepping for stage deployment
.env.example simplification of env.example and trip readme
.gitignore cleaning up code and writing tests
Dockerfile-monero dockerizing the remaining components, prepping for stage deployment
Dockerfile-xmrauctions drop trailing slash
LICENSE adding license
Makefile need interactive and tty flags for this make command simplification of env.example and trip readme
docker-compose.deploy.yaml make huey run quietly and update social links
docker-compose.yaml init init
pytest.ini cleaning up code and writing tests
requirements.txt specifying django version explicitly


This is a somewhat simple little Django, CRUD app. It's fairly minimal auction house where you can post items you possess and exchange them with your fellow humans from anywhere around the world.

This app is in an alpha stage and is not polished enough to transact real money. Once we make progress on some of the to-do items we will proceed to that.


You first need secrets. Copy the example one and fill in your details. You'll need to provide your own node and wallet RPC endpoints or public ones. The Makefile provided should be enough for general use. Review that file to see what's happening under the hood.

cp env.example .env
vim .env
make build
make up
make dev

Go-Live Checklist

In no particular order, nice to haves, and should likely haves:

  • Bad bot spam prevention (fail2ban)
  • DDoS mitigation
  • Secrets in SSM with env setting
  • Email spam prevention
  • Cloudtrail configured all regions
  • Web server access logs syncing to S3
  • Log rotate on access logs
  • Security ELK dashboard
  • Malicious Image upload abuse prevention
  • SES metric alarms
  • Budget alarms
  • Unit Tests
  • DB backups
  • Dockerize wallet to run on other instance