import logging from decimal import Decimal from huey import crontab from huey.contrib.djhuey import periodic_task from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from core.monero import connect_rpc from sales.models import ItemSale logger = logging.getLogger('django.server') @periodic_task(crontab(minute='*/2')) def poll_for_buyer_escrow_payments(): wallet_rpc = connect_rpc("wallet") item_sales = ItemSale.objects.filter(payment_received=False) for sale in item_sales:'[INFO] Polling escrow address #{sale.escrow_account_index} for sale #{} for new funds.') sale_account = wallet_rpc.wallet.accounts[sale.escrow_account_index] tx_in = sale_account.incoming() balances = sale_account.balances() sale.received_payment_xmr = balances[0] if balances[0] >= Decimal(str(sale.expected_payment_xmr)) and tx_in:'[INFO] Found incoming transaction {tx_in[0].transaction} of {sale.received_payment_xmr} XMR for sale #{}.') if tx_in[0].transaction.confirmations >= settings.BLOCK_CONFIRMATIONS_RCV:'[INFO] The incoming transaction has {settings.BLOCK_CONFIRMATIONS_RCV} confirmations and enough funds. Marking payment received.') sale.payment_received = True else:'[INFO] The incoming transaction only has {tx_in[0].transaction.confirmations} confirmations. Not enough to proceed.') @periodic_task(crontab(minute='*/4')) def pay_sellers_on_sold_items(): wallet_rpc = connect_rpc("wallet") item_sales = ItemSale.objects.filter(item_received=True, payment_received=True).filter(seller_paid=False) for sale in item_sales: # Take platform fees from the sale - the 50:50 split between buyer/seller sale_total = sale.agreed_price_xmr - sale.platform_fee_xmr sale_account = wallet_rpc.wallet.accounts[sale.escrow_account_index]'[INFO] Seller needs to be paid for sale #{}. Found balances of {sale_account.balances()} in account #{sale.escrow_account_index}.') if sale_account.balances()[1] >= Decimal(str(sale.agreed_price_xmr)): try: # Construct a transaction so we can get current fee and subtract from the total _tx = sale_account.transfer( sale.item.payout_address, Decimal(.01), relay=False ) new_total = sale_total - float(_tx[0].fee)'[INFO] Sending {new_total} XMR from wallet account #{sale.escrow_account_index} to item owner\'s payout address for sale #{}.') # Make the transaction with network fee removed tx = sale_account.transfer( sale.item.payout_address, new_total, relay=True ) sale.network_fee_xmr = _tx[0].fee sale.seller_payout_transaction = tx[0] sale.seller_paid = True sale.escrow_complete = True except Exception as e: logger.error(f'[ERROR] Unable to pay seller for sale #{}: ') else: logger.warning(f'[WARNING] Not enough unlocked funds available in account #{sale.escrow_account_index} for sale #{}.') @periodic_task(crontab(minute='*/30')) def pay_platform_on_sold_items(): wallet_rpc = connect_rpc("wallet") aof = settings.PLATFORM_WALLET_ADDRESS if aof is None: aof = str(wallet_rpc.wallet.accounts[0].address()) item_sales = ItemSale.objects.filter(escrow_complete=True, seller_paid=True, item_received=True).filter(platform_paid=False) for sale in item_sales:'[INFO] Paying platform fees for sale #{} to wallet {aof}.') sale_account = wallet_rpc.wallet.accounts[sale.escrow_account_index] bal = sale_account.balances()[1] if bal >= 0: try: if settings.PLATFORM_FEE_PERCENT > 0:'[INFO] Getting platform fees of {bal} XMR') sale_account.sweep_all(aof) else:'No platform fees are set - proceeding without taking fees.') sale.platform_paid = True sale.sale_finalized = True return True except Exception as e: logger.error(f'[ERROR] Unable to pay platform for sale #{} - trying again') else: logger.warning(f'[WARNING] Not enough unlocked funds available in account #{sale.escrow_account_index} for sale #{}.') @periodic_task(crontab(minute='*/4')) def refund_buyers_on_cancelled_sales() -> bool: """ Issue a refund to the buyer if they sent money but then cancelled the sale. :rtype: bool """ wallet_rpc = connect_rpc("wallet") item_sales = ItemSale.objects.filter(sale_cancelled=True, payment_refunded=False) for sale in item_sales:'[INFO] Refunding any sent funds from the buyer for sale #{}.') sale_total = sale.agreed_price_xmr - sale.platform_fee_xmr sale_account = wallet_rpc.wallet.accounts[sale.escrow_account_index] balances = sale_account.balances()'[INFO] Found balances of {balances} XMR for sale #{}.') if balances[0] != balances[1]:'[INFO] Balances not yet equal. Waiting') return False elif balances[1] > Decimal(0.0): try: # Construct a transaction so we can get current fee and subtract from the total _tx = sale_account.transfer(, Decimal(.01), relay=False ) new_total = sale_total - float(_tx[0].fee)'[INFO] Refunding {new_total} XMR from wallet account #{sale.escrow_account_index} to buyer\'s return address for sale #{}.') # Make the transaction with network fee removed tx = sale_account.transfer(, new_total, relay=True ) if tx: sale.payment_refunded = True'[INFO] Balance returned to buyer for sale #{}.') return True else: return False except Exception as e: logger.error(f'[ERROR] Unable to return funds to use for sale #{}: {e}') return False else: if cache.get(f'{}_sale_refund_tries'):'[INFO] Balance for sale #{} is 0 still. Marking payment_refunded flag.') sale.payment_refunded = True return True else:'[INFO] Setting flag in cache for sale #{} to try another block cycle for good measure.') cache.set(f'{}_sale_refund_tries', {"tries": 1}, settings.CACHE_TTL)