{% load search_block_explorer %} {% if request.user == sale.bid.bidder %}

Hello {{ sale.bid.bidder.username }},

The seller accepted your bid and the sale process was initiated. Please send funds to the below Monero escrow address (or use the QR code).

Expected Payment (XMR): {{ sale.expected_payment_xmr }}

Escrow Address: {{ sale.escrow_address }}

{% if incoming_transactions %}

Incoming Payments Found:

Once the payments are confirmed for {{ site_meta.block_confirmations }} blocks the transaction will continue.

{% else %}

Change your Mind?

You can cancel the sale and reopen the item for bidding. Any funds sent will be transferred again to your return address.

Cancel Sale

{% endif %} {% elif request.user == sale.item.owner %}

Hello {{ sale.item.owner.username }},

You accepted bid #{{ sale.bid.id }} on your item "{{ sale.item.name }}" (#{{ sale.item.id }}). A new sale has been initiated.

We are waiting for the buyer to send funds to the escrow address. No action is needed from you at this time. Stay tuned for notifications.

{% endif %}