--- title: "Running a node" --- # Run A Node With A Binary You need ~10 GB of free disk space to run a Wownero node. SSD is not necessary but syncing will be much faster compared to hard disk. 1. Download and extract the latest [Wownero release](https://git.wownero.com/wownero/wownero/releases) 2. Double-click or run `wownerod`. If you are on Linux, you might have to allow execution of the daemon: `chmod +x ./wownerod` Wait for sync, and that's it! You're now running a Wownero node. The RPC port will be available at 34568 # Run A Node With Docker A container image with `wownerod` is available in a few places: A trusted and up to date one is hosted by [lalanza808/wownero](https://hub.docker.com/u/lalanza808). Run it like so: `docker run --rm -it -p 34568 -v ~/.wownero:/data/ lalanza808/wownero:v0.11.1.0 wownerod --data-dir /data` # Run A Node With Docker-Compose And Dashboards `lza_menace` has a project which packages open source monitoring tools Prometheus and Grafana along with some custom metrics exporters to give a whole dashboard of node and network usage. It looks like this: ![](https://git.cloud.lzahq.tech/nerodev/docker-wownero/raw/branch/master/files/static/graf1.png) ![](https://git.cloud.lzahq.tech/nerodev/docker-wownero/raw/branch/master/files/static/graf2.png) See the repo here and follow the instructions: https://git.cloud.lzahq.tech/nerodev/docker-wownero