FROM ubuntu:19.10 as builder # Install required packages RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential RUN apt-get install -y curl git # Setup app user and workspace RUN useradd -m -d /home/wownero-explorer wownero-explorer RUN mkdir -p /srv/wownero-explorer && chown -R wownero-explorer:wownero-explorer /srv USER wownero-explorer WORKDIR /srv/wownero-explorer # Install Rust RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | RUSTUP_HOME=/home/wownero-explorer/.rustup sh -s -- -y # Setup dummy build and perform release COPY . COPY Cargo.toml . COPY Cargo.lock . RUN sed -i 's_src/main.rs_dummy.rs_' Cargo.toml RUN ~/.cargo/bin/rustup override set nightly RUN ~/.cargo/bin/cargo build --release # Put real source onto image and perform release RUN sed -i 's_dummy.rs_src/main.rs_' Cargo.toml COPY src src RUN ~/.cargo/bin/cargo build --release FROM ubuntu:19.10 COPY --from=builder /srv/wownero-explorer/target/release/wownero-explorer /bin/wownero-explorer COPY static static COPY templates templates CMD 'wownero-explorer'