@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Alternatively, if you'd like to build/run using native Rust tools, follow these
I'm using [Traefik](https://docs.traefik.io/getting-started/concepts/) as a reverse proxy in order to handle automatic TLS certification with Let's Encrypt and to avoid manage Nginx configs. If you want to run the full installation you will need a registered domain and control of DNS records.
I don't feel like paying for a cluster for this simple app so I'm using `docker-compose` on a single box that I can recreate easily often to avoid config drift.
I don't feel like paying for a cluster for this simple app so I'm using `docker-compose` on a single box that I can recreate easily and often to avoid config drift.
1. Create new file, `docker-compose.prod.yml` as a copy of `docker-compose.yml`
2. Uncomment labels under `wownero-explorer` service