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73 lines
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import logging
from decimal import Decimal
from telegram import ParseMode
from tipbot import wownero
from tipbot import db
from tipbot.helpers.decorators import wallet_rpc_required, log_event, registration_required
def tip(update, context):
if len(context.args) < 2:
update.message.reply_text('Not enough arguments passed.')
return False
elif len(context.args) == 2:
message = ""
elif len(context.args) > 2:
message = context.args[2:]
# validate target user
if context.args[0].startswith('@'):
target_un = context.args[0][1:]
target_un = context.args[0]
if target_un == update.message.from_user['first_name']:
update.message.reply_text('You cannot tip yourself!')
return False
if not db.User.filter(telegram_user=target_un):
reply_text = [
'That user has not registered and cannot receive tips yet.',
'If they would like to receive a tip, have them /register with the bot.'
update.message.reply_text(' '.join(reply_text))
return False
# validate amount
amount = Decimal(context.args[1])
update.message.reply_text(f'Bad Wownero amount specified; not a valid number.')
return False
if amount < 1:
update.message.reply_text('Bad Wownero amount specified. Provide only positive integers or decimals greater than or equal to 1.')
return False
tipper = db.User.get(telegram_id=update.message.from_user['id'])
tipper_balances = wownero.Wallet().balances(account=tipper.account_index)
if amount >= tipper_balances[1]:
update.message.reply_text(f'You do not have sufficient funds to send {amount} WOW. Check your /balance')
return False
# get target user details
receiver = db.User.get(telegram_user=target_un)
address = wownero.Wallet().addresses(account=receiver.account_index)[0]
# transfer funds to user
tx = wownero.Wallet().transfer(dest_address=address, amount=wownero.as_wownero(amount), priority=2, account=tipper.account_index)
if 'tx_hash' in tx:
h = tx['tx_hash']
msg = f'Tipped @{target_un} {amount} WOW! TX ID: [{h}]({h})'
update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN_V2)
logging.error(f'Transaction failure details for {tipper.telegram_user} ({tipper.telegram_id}): {tx}')
update.message.reply_text(f'Failed to send a tip. Reason: "{tx["message"]}"')
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f'Unable to send transfer: {e}. Debug: {update.message}')
update.message.reply_text('Failed to send a tip. Ask for help.')