@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from flask import Blueprint, render_template, redirect, url_for, flash, request
from suchwow.models import AuditEvent, Post, Profile, Moderator, Ban, get_ban_reason
from suchwow._models import AuditEvent, Post, User, get_ban_reason
from suchwow.utils.decorators import moderator_required
from suchwow.utils.helpers import get_session_user, audit_event
from suchwow import config
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ bp = Blueprint("mod", "mod")
def main():
live_posts = Post.select().where(Post.approved == True).count()
pending_posts = Post.select().where(Post.approved == False).count()
active_posters = Profile.select().join(Post, on=Post.submitter == Profile.username).distinct().count()
mods = Moderator.select().count()
active_posters = User.select().join(Post, on=Post.user).distinct().count()
mods = User.select().where(User.moderator == True).count()
return render_template(
@ -37,73 +37,76 @@ def pending_posts():
@bp.route('/mods/manage', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def manage_mods():
to_delete = request.args.get('delete')
if to_delete:
m = Moderator.select().where(Moderator.username == to_delete).first()
if not m:
flash('No moderator exists with that name', 'is-danger')
elif m.username == get_session_user():
to_remove = request.args.get('delete')
if to_remove:
u = User.select().where(User.username == to_remove).first()
if not u.moderator:
flash('That user is not a moderator', 'is-danger')
elif u.username == get_session_user():
flash('Cannot remove yourself.', 'is-danger')
elif m.username == config.SUPER_ADMIN:
elif u.username == config.SUPER_ADMIN:
flash('Cannot delete super admin you son-of-a-bitch.', 'is-danger')
audit_event(f'Deleted {to_delete} from mods')
flash(f'Removed {to_delete} from mods!', 'is-success')
u.moderator = False
audit_event(f'Removed {to_remove} from mods')
flash(f'Removed {to_remove} from mods!', 'is-success')
return redirect(url_for('mod.manage_mods'))
if request.method == 'POST':
to_add = request.form.get('username', None)
if to_add:
u = Profile.select().where(Profile.username == to_add).first()
u = User.select().where(User.username == to_add).first()
if not u:
flash('That user does not appear to exist (no profile setup yet)', 'is-danger')
elif Moderator.select().where(Moderator.username == to_add).first():
flash('That user does not appear to exist', 'is-danger')
elif u.moderator:
flash(f'{to_add} is already a mod, ya dingus.', 'is-warning')
m = Moderator(username=to_add)
u.moderator = True
audit_event(f'Added {to_add} to mods')
flash(f'Added {to_add} to mods!', 'is-success')
mods = Profile.select().join(Moderator, on=(Profile.username == Moderator.username))
mods = User.select().where(User.moderator == True)
return render_template('mod/manage.html', mods=mods)
@bp.route('/mods/bans', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def manage_bans():
to_delete = request.args.get('delete')
if to_delete:
ban = Ban.select().join(Profile).where(Profile.username == to_delete).first()
if not ban:
to_unban = request.args.get('delete')
if to_unban:
u = User.select().where(User.username == to_unban).first()
if not u.banned:
flash('No ban exists for that user', 'is-danger')
elif ban.user == get_session_user():
elif u.username == get_session_user():
flash('Cannot ban yourself.', 'is-danger')
elif ban.user == config.SUPER_ADMIN:
elif u.username == config.SUPER_ADMIN:
flash('Cannot ban super admin you son-of-a-bitch.', 'is-danger')
audit_event(f'Removed ban on {to_delete}')
flash(f'Unbanned {to_delete}!', 'is-success')
u.banned = False
audit_event(f'Removed ban on {to_unban}')
flash(f'Unbanned {to_unban}!', 'is-success')
return redirect(url_for('mod.manage_bans'))
if request.method == 'POST':
to_add = request.form.get('username', None)
if to_add:
u = Profile.select().where(Profile.username == to_add).first()
to_ban = request.form.get('username', None)
if to_ban:
u = User.select().where(User.username == to_ban).first()
if not u:
flash('That user does not appear to exist (no profile setup yet)', 'is-danger')
elif Ban.select().join(Profile).where(Profile.username == to_add).first():
flash(f'{to_add} is already banned, ya dingus.', 'is-warning')
elif to_add == config.SUPER_ADMIN:
flash('That user does not appear to exist', 'is-danger')
elif u.banned:
flash(f'{to_ban} is already banned, ya dingus.', 'is-warning')
elif u.username == config.SUPER_ADMIN:
flash('Cannot ban the super admin you son-of-a-bitch.', 'is-danger')
reason = request.form.get('reason')
if not reason:
reason = get_ban_reason()
ban = Ban(user=u, reason=reason)
audit_event(f'Banned {to_add} ({reason})')
flash(f'Banned {to_add}!', 'is-success')
bans = Ban.select()
u.banned = True
u.ban_reason = reason
audit_event(f'Banned {to_ban} ({reason})')
flash(f'Banned {to_ban}!', 'is-success')
bans = User.select().where(User.banned == True)
return render_template('mod/bans.html', bans=bans)