// The MIT License (MIT) // Minimalistic CSV Streams 1.6 // Copyright (C) 2014, by Wong Shao Voon (shaovoon@yahoo.com) // // http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT // // version 1.2 : make use of make_shared // version 1.3 : fixed: to when reading the last line and it does not have linefeed // added: skip_1st_line and skip_line functions to ifstream class // version 1.4 : Removed the use of smart ptr. // version 1.5 : Performance increase on writing without flushing every line. // version 1.6 : Add string streams // version 1.7 : You MUST specify the escape/unescape string when calling set_delimiter. Option to surround/trim string with quotes // version 1.7.1 : Add stream operator overload usage in example.cpp // Disable the surround/trim quote on text by default // version 1.7.2 : Stream operator overload for const char* // version 1.7.3 : Add num_of_delimiter method to ifstream and istringstream // Fix g++ compilation errors // version 1.7.4 : Add get_rest_of_line // version 1.7.5 : Add terminate_on_blank_line variable. Set to false if your file format has blank lines in between. // version 1.7.6 : Ignore delimiters within quotes during reading when enable_trim_quote_on_str is true; // version 1.7.7 : Fixed multiple symbol linkage errors //#define USE_BOOST_LEXICAL_CAST #ifndef MiniCSV_H #define MiniCSV_H #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> #ifdef USE_BOOST_LEXICAL_CAST # include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #endif #define NEWLINE '\n' namespace csv { inline std::string const & replace(std::string & src, std::string const & to_find, std::string const & to_replace) { size_t pos = 0; while (std::string::npos != pos) { pos = src.find(to_find, pos); if (std::string::npos != pos) { src.erase(pos, to_find.size()); src.insert(pos, to_replace); pos += to_replace.size(); } } return src; } inline std::string trim_right(const std::string& str, const std::string& trimChars) { std::string result = ""; size_t endpos = str.find_last_not_of(trimChars); if (std::string::npos != endpos) { result = str.substr(0, endpos + 1); } else result = str; return result; } inline std::string trim_left(const std::string& str, const std::string& trimChars) { std::string result = ""; size_t startpos = str.find_first_not_of(trimChars); if (std::string::npos != startpos) { result = str.substr(startpos); } else result = str; return result; } inline std::string trim(const std::string& str, const std::string& trimChars) { return trim_left(trim_right(str, trimChars), trimChars); } class ifstream { public: ifstream() : str(""), pos(0), delimiter(","), unescape_str("##"), trim_quote_on_str(false), trim_quote('\"'), terminate_on_blank_line(true) { } ifstream(const char * file) { open(file); } void open(const char * file) { init(); istm.open(file, std::ios_base::in); } void init() { str = ""; pos = 0; delimiter = ','; unescape_str = "##"; trim_quote_on_str = false; trim_quote = '\"'; terminate_on_blank_line = true; } void close() { istm.close(); } bool is_open() { return istm.is_open(); } void enable_trim_quote_on_str(bool enable, char quote) { trim_quote_on_str = enable; trim_quote = quote; } // eof is replaced by read_line //bool eof() const void set_delimiter(char delimiter_, std::string const & unescape_str_) { delimiter = delimiter_; unescape_str = unescape_str_; } std::string const & get_delimiter() const { return delimiter; } std::string const & get_unescape_str() const { return unescape_str; } void skip_line() { if(!istm.eof()) { std::getline(istm, str); pos = 0; } } bool read_line() { this->str = ""; while(!istm.eof()) { std::getline(istm, this->str); pos = 0; if (this->str.empty()) { if (terminate_on_blank_line) break; else continue; } return true; } return false; } std::string get_delimited_str() { std::string str = ""; char ch = '\0'; bool within_quote = false; do { if(pos>=this->str.size()) { this->str = ""; return unescape(str); } ch = this->str[pos]; if (trim_quote_on_str) { if (within_quote == false && ch == trim_quote && ((pos > 0 && this->str[pos - 1] == delimiter[0]) || pos == 0)) within_quote = true; else if (within_quote && ch == trim_quote) within_quote = false; } ++(pos); if (ch == delimiter[0] && within_quote == false) break; if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') break; str += ch; } while(true); return unescape(str); } std::string unescape(std::string & src) { src = unescape_str.empty() ? src : replace(src, unescape_str, delimiter); return trim_quote_on_str ? trim(src, std::string(1, trim_quote)) : src; } size_t num_of_delimiter() const { if (delimiter.size() == 0) return 0; size_t cnt = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { if (str[i] == delimiter[0]) ++cnt; } return cnt; } std::string get_rest_of_line() const { return str.substr(pos); } const std::string& get_line() const { return str; } void enable_terminate_on_blank_line(bool enable) { terminate_on_blank_line = enable; } bool is_terminate_on_blank_line() const { return terminate_on_blank_line; } private: std::ifstream istm; std::string str; size_t pos; std::string delimiter; std::string unescape_str; bool trim_quote_on_str; char trim_quote; bool terminate_on_blank_line; }; class ofstream { public: ofstream() : after_newline(true), delimiter(","), escape_str("##"), surround_quote_on_str(false), surround_quote('\"') { } ofstream(const char * file) { open(file); } void open(const char * file) { init(); ostm.open(file, std::ios_base::out); } void init() { after_newline = true; delimiter = ','; escape_str = "##"; surround_quote_on_str = false; surround_quote = '\"'; } void flush() { ostm.flush(); } void close() { ostm.close(); } bool is_open() { return ostm.is_open(); } void enable_surround_quote_on_str(bool enable, char quote) { surround_quote_on_str = enable; surround_quote = quote; } void set_delimiter(char delimiter_, std::string const & escape_str_) { delimiter = delimiter_; escape_str = escape_str_; } std::string const & get_delimiter() const { return delimiter; } std::string const & get_escape_str() const { return escape_str; } void set_after_newline(bool after_newline_) { after_newline = after_newline_; } bool get_after_newline() const { return after_newline; } std::ofstream& get_ofstream() { return ostm; } void escape_and_output(std::string src) { ostm << ((escape_str.empty()) ? src : replace(src, delimiter, escape_str)); } void escape_str_and_output(std::string src) { src = ((escape_str.empty()) ? src : replace(src, delimiter, escape_str)); if (surround_quote_on_str) { ostm << surround_quote << src << surround_quote; } else { ostm << src; } } private: std::ofstream ostm; bool after_newline; std::string delimiter; std::string escape_str; bool surround_quote_on_str; char surround_quote; }; } // ns csv template<typename T> csv::ifstream& operator >> (csv::ifstream& istm, T& val) { std::string str = istm.get_delimited_str(); #ifdef USE_BOOST_LEXICAL_CAST val = boost::lexical_cast<T>(str); #else std::istringstream is(str); is >> val; #endif return istm; } template<> inline csv::ifstream& operator >> (csv::ifstream& istm, std::string& val) { val = istm.get_delimited_str(); return istm; } template<typename T> csv::ofstream& operator << (csv::ofstream& ostm, const T& val) { if(!ostm.get_after_newline()) ostm.get_ofstream() << ostm.get_delimiter(); std::ostringstream os_temp; os_temp << val; ostm.escape_and_output(os_temp.str()); ostm.set_after_newline(false); return ostm; } template<typename T> csv::ofstream& operator << (csv::ofstream& ostm, const T* val) { if (!ostm.get_after_newline()) ostm.get_ofstream() << ostm.get_delimiter(); std::ostringstream os_temp; os_temp << *val; ostm.escape_and_output(os_temp.str()); ostm.set_after_newline(false); return ostm; } template<> inline csv::ofstream& operator << (csv::ofstream& ostm, const std::string& val) { if (!ostm.get_after_newline()) ostm.get_ofstream() << ostm.get_delimiter(); std::string temp = val; ostm.escape_str_and_output(temp); ostm.set_after_newline(false); return ostm; } template<> inline csv::ofstream& operator << (csv::ofstream& ostm, const char& val) { if(val==NEWLINE) { ostm.get_ofstream() << NEWLINE; ostm.set_after_newline(true); } else { std::ostringstream os_temp; os_temp << val; ostm.escape_and_output(os_temp.str()); } return ostm; } template<> inline csv::ofstream& operator << (csv::ofstream& ostm, const char* val) { const std::string temp = val; ostm << temp; return ostm; } namespace csv { class istringstream { public: istringstream(const char * text) : str("") , pos(0) , delimiter(",") , unescape_str("##") , trim_quote_on_str(false) , trim_quote('\"') , terminate_on_blank_line(true) { istm.str(text); } void enable_trim_quote_on_str(bool enable, char quote) { trim_quote_on_str = enable; trim_quote = quote; } void set_delimiter(char delimiter_, std::string const & unescape_str_) { delimiter = delimiter_; unescape_str = unescape_str_; } std::string const & get_delimiter() const { return delimiter; } std::string const & get_unescape_str() const { return unescape_str; } void skip_line() { std::getline(istm, str); pos = 0; } bool read_line() { this->str = ""; while (!istm.eof()) { std::getline(istm, this->str); pos = 0; if (this->str.empty()) { if (terminate_on_blank_line) break; else continue; } return true; } return false; return false; } std::string get_delimited_str() { std::string str = ""; char ch = '\0'; bool within_quote = false; do { if (pos >= this->str.size()) { this->str = ""; return unescape(str); } ch = this->str[pos]; if (trim_quote_on_str) { if (within_quote == false && ch == trim_quote && ((pos > 0 && this->str[pos - 1] == delimiter[0]) || pos == 0)) within_quote = true; else if (within_quote && ch == trim_quote) within_quote = false; } ++(pos); if (ch == delimiter[0] && within_quote == false) break; if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') break; str += ch; } while (true); return unescape(str); } std::string unescape(std::string & src) { src = unescape_str.empty() ? src : replace(src, unescape_str, delimiter); return trim_quote_on_str ? trim(src, std::string(1, trim_quote)) : src; } size_t num_of_delimiter() const { if (delimiter.size() == 0) return 0; size_t cnt = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { if (str[i] == delimiter[0]) ++cnt; } return cnt; } std::string get_rest_of_line() const { return str.substr(pos); } const std::string& get_line() const { return str; } void enable_terminate_on_blank_line(bool enable) { terminate_on_blank_line = enable; } bool is_terminate_on_blank_line() const { return terminate_on_blank_line; } private: std::istringstream istm; std::string str; size_t pos; std::string delimiter; std::string unescape_str; bool trim_quote_on_str; char trim_quote; bool terminate_on_blank_line; }; class ostringstream { public: ostringstream() : after_newline(true), delimiter(","), escape_str("##"), surround_quote_on_str(false), surround_quote('\"') { } void enable_surround_quote_on_str(bool enable, char quote) { surround_quote_on_str = enable; surround_quote = quote; } void set_delimiter(char delimiter_, std::string const & escape_str_) { delimiter = delimiter_; escape_str = escape_str_; } std::string const & get_delimiter() const { return delimiter; } std::string const & get_escape_str() const { return escape_str; } void set_after_newline(bool after_newline_) { after_newline = after_newline_; } bool get_after_newline() const { return after_newline; } std::ostringstream& get_ostringstream() { return ostm; } std::string get_text() { return ostm.str(); } void escape_and_output(std::string src) { ostm << ((escape_str.empty()) ? src : replace(src, delimiter, escape_str)); } void escape_str_and_output(std::string src) { src = ((escape_str.empty()) ? src : replace(src, delimiter, escape_str)); if (surround_quote_on_str) { ostm << surround_quote << src << surround_quote; } else { ostm << src; } } private: std::ostringstream ostm; bool after_newline; std::string delimiter; std::string escape_str; bool surround_quote_on_str; char surround_quote; }; } // ns csv template<typename T> csv::istringstream& operator >> (csv::istringstream& istm, T& val) { std::string str = istm.get_delimited_str(); #ifdef USE_BOOST_LEXICAL_CAST val = boost::lexical_cast<T>(str); #else std::istringstream is(str); is >> val; #endif return istm; } template<> inline csv::istringstream& operator >> (csv::istringstream& istm, std::string& val) { val = istm.get_delimited_str(); return istm; } template<typename T> csv::ostringstream& operator << (csv::ostringstream& ostm, const T& val) { if (!ostm.get_after_newline()) ostm.get_ostringstream() << ostm.get_delimiter(); std::ostringstream os_temp; os_temp << val; ostm.escape_and_output(os_temp.str()); ostm.set_after_newline(false); return ostm; } template<typename T> csv::ostringstream& operator << (csv::ostringstream& ostm, const T* val) { if (!ostm.get_after_newline()) ostm.get_ostringstream() << ostm.get_delimiter(); std::ostringstream os_temp; os_temp << val; ostm.escape_and_output(os_temp.str()); ostm.set_after_newline(false); return ostm; } template<> inline csv::ostringstream& operator << (csv::ostringstream& ostm, const std::string& val) { if (!ostm.get_after_newline()) ostm.get_ostringstream() << ostm.get_delimiter(); std::string temp = val; ostm.escape_str_and_output(temp); ostm.set_after_newline(false); return ostm; } template<> inline csv::ostringstream& operator << (csv::ostringstream& ostm, const char& val) { if (val == NEWLINE) { ostm.get_ostringstream() << NEWLINE; ostm.set_after_newline(true); } else { std::ostringstream os_temp; os_temp << val; ostm.escape_and_output(os_temp.str()); } return ostm; } template<> inline csv::ostringstream& operator << (csv::ostringstream& ostm, const char* val) { const std::string temp = val; ostm << temp; return ostm; } #endif // MiniCSV_H