#pragma once //#define CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <memory> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp> #include <boost/operators.hpp> #include <vector> #if defined(__GNUG__) || defined(__clang__) #define crow_json_likely(x) __builtin_expect(x, 1) #define crow_json_unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(x, 0) #else #define crow_json_likely(x) x #define crow_json_unlikely(x) x #endif namespace crow { namespace mustache { class template_t; } namespace json { inline void escape(const std::string& str, std::string& ret) { ret.reserve(ret.size() + str.size()+str.size()/4); for(char c:str) { switch(c) { case '"': ret += "\\\""; break; case '\\': ret += "\\\\"; break; case '\n': ret += "\\n"; break; case '\b': ret += "\\b"; break; case '\f': ret += "\\f"; break; case '\r': ret += "\\r"; break; case '\t': ret += "\\t"; break; default: if (0 <= c && c < 0x20) { ret += "\\u00"; auto to_hex = [](char c) { c = c&0xf; if (c < 10) return '0' + c; return 'a'+c-10; }; ret += to_hex(c/16); ret += to_hex(c%16); } else ret += c; break; } } } inline std::string escape(const std::string& str) { std::string ret; escape(str, ret); return ret; } enum class type : char { Null, False, True, Number, String, List, Object, }; const char* get_type_str(type t) { switch(t){ case type::Number: return "Number"; case type::False: return "False"; case type::True: return "True"; case type::List: return "List"; case type::String: return "String"; case type::Object: return "Object"; default: return "Unknown"; } }; class rvalue; rvalue load(const char* data, size_t size); namespace detail { struct r_string : boost::less_than_comparable<r_string>, boost::less_than_comparable<r_string, std::string>, boost::equality_comparable<r_string>, boost::equality_comparable<r_string, std::string> { r_string() {}; r_string(char* s, char* e) : s_(s), e_(e) {}; ~r_string() { if (owned_) delete[] s_; } r_string(const r_string& r) { *this = r; } r_string(r_string&& r) { *this = r; } r_string& operator = (r_string&& r) { s_ = r.s_; e_ = r.e_; owned_ = r.owned_; return *this; } r_string& operator = (const r_string& r) { s_ = r.s_; e_ = r.e_; owned_ = 0; return *this; } operator std::string () const { return std::string(s_, e_); } const char* begin() const { return s_; } const char* end() const { return e_; } size_t size() const { return end() - begin(); } using iterator = const char*; using const_iterator = const char*; char* s_; mutable char* e_; uint8_t owned_{0}; friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const r_string& s) { os << (std::string)s; return os; } private: void force(char* s, uint32_t length) { s_ = s; owned_ = 1; } friend rvalue crow::json::load(const char* data, size_t size); }; inline bool operator < (const r_string& l, const r_string& r) { return boost::lexicographical_compare(l,r); } inline bool operator < (const r_string& l, const std::string& r) { return boost::lexicographical_compare(l,r); } inline bool operator > (const r_string& l, const std::string& r) { return boost::lexicographical_compare(r,l); } inline bool operator == (const r_string& l, const r_string& r) { return boost::equals(l,r); } inline bool operator == (const r_string& l, const std::string& r) { return boost::equals(l,r); } } class rvalue { static const int cached_bit = 2; static const int error_bit = 4; public: rvalue() noexcept : option_{error_bit} {} rvalue(type t) noexcept : lsize_{}, lremain_{}, t_{t} {} rvalue(type t, char* s, char* e) noexcept : start_{s}, end_{e}, t_{t} {} rvalue(const rvalue& r) : start_(r.start_), end_(r.end_), key_(r.key_), t_(r.t_), option_(r.option_) { copy_l(r); } rvalue(rvalue&& r) noexcept { *this = std::move(r); } rvalue& operator = (const rvalue& r) { start_ = r.start_; end_ = r.end_; key_ = r.key_; copy_l(r); t_ = r.t_; option_ = r.option_; return *this; } rvalue& operator = (rvalue&& r) noexcept { start_ = r.start_; end_ = r.end_; key_ = std::move(r.key_); l_ = std::move(r.l_); lsize_ = r.lsize_; lremain_ = r.lremain_; t_ = r.t_; option_ = r.option_; return *this; } explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return (option_ & error_bit) == 0; } explicit operator int64_t() const { return i(); } explicit operator int() const { return (int)i(); } type t() const { #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK if (option_ & error_bit) { throw std::runtime_error("invalid json object"); } #endif return t_; } int64_t i() const { #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK switch (t()) { case type::Number: case type::String: return boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(start_, end_-start_); default: throw std::runtime_error( "expected number, got: " + std::string(get_type_str(t())) ); } #endif return boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(start_, end_-start_); } double d() const { #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK if (t() != type::Number) throw std::runtime_error("value is not number"); #endif return boost::lexical_cast<double>(start_, end_-start_); } bool b() const { #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK if (t() != type::True && t() != type::False) throw std::runtime_error("value is not boolean"); #endif return t() == type::True; } void unescape() const { if (*(start_-1)) { char* head = start_; char* tail = start_; while(head != end_) { if (*head == '\\') { switch(*++head) { case '"': *tail++ = '"'; break; case '\\': *tail++ = '\\'; break; case '/': *tail++ = '/'; break; case 'b': *tail++ = '\b'; break; case 'f': *tail++ = '\f'; break; case 'n': *tail++ = '\n'; break; case 'r': *tail++ = '\r'; break; case 't': *tail++ = '\t'; break; case 'u': { auto from_hex = [](char c) { if (c >= 'a') return c - 'a' + 10; if (c >= 'A') return c - 'A' + 10; return c - '0'; }; unsigned int code = (from_hex(head[1])<<12) + (from_hex(head[2])<< 8) + (from_hex(head[3])<< 4) + from_hex(head[4]); if (code >= 0x800) { *tail++ = 0xE0 | (code >> 12); *tail++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F); *tail++ = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F); } else if (code >= 0x80) { *tail++ = 0xC0 | (code >> 6); *tail++ = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F); } else { *tail++ = code; } head += 4; } break; } } else *tail++ = *head; head++; } end_ = tail; *end_ = 0; *(start_-1) = 0; } } detail::r_string s() const { #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK if (t() != type::String) throw std::runtime_error("value is not string"); #endif unescape(); return detail::r_string{start_, end_}; } bool has(const char* str) const { return has(std::string(str)); } bool has(const std::string& str) const { struct Pred { bool operator()(const rvalue& l, const rvalue& r) const { return l.key_ < r.key_; }; bool operator()(const rvalue& l, const std::string& r) const { return l.key_ < r; }; bool operator()(const std::string& l, const rvalue& r) const { return l < r.key_; }; }; if (!is_cached()) { std::sort(begin(), end(), Pred()); set_cached(); } auto it = lower_bound(begin(), end(), str, Pred()); return it != end() && it->key_ == str; } int count(const std::string& str) { return has(str) ? 1 : 0; } rvalue* begin() const { #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK if (t() != type::Object && t() != type::List) throw std::runtime_error("value is not a container"); #endif return l_.get(); } rvalue* end() const { #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK if (t() != type::Object && t() != type::List) throw std::runtime_error("value is not a container"); #endif return l_.get()+lsize_; } const detail::r_string& key() const { return key_; } size_t size() const { if (t() == type::String) return s().size(); #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK if (t() != type::Object && t() != type::List) throw std::runtime_error("value is not a container"); #endif return lsize_; } const rvalue& operator[](int index) const { #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK if (t() != type::List) throw std::runtime_error("value is not a list"); if (index >= (int)lsize_ || index < 0) throw std::runtime_error("list out of bound"); #endif return l_[index]; } const rvalue& operator[](size_t index) const { #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK if (t() != type::List) throw std::runtime_error("value is not a list"); if (index >= lsize_) throw std::runtime_error("list out of bound"); #endif return l_[index]; } const rvalue& operator[](const char* str) const { return this->operator[](std::string(str)); } const rvalue& operator[](const std::string& str) const { #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK if (t() != type::Object) throw std::runtime_error("value is not an object"); #endif struct Pred { bool operator()(const rvalue& l, const rvalue& r) const { return l.key_ < r.key_; }; bool operator()(const rvalue& l, const std::string& r) const { return l.key_ < r; }; bool operator()(const std::string& l, const rvalue& r) const { return l < r.key_; }; }; if (!is_cached()) { std::sort(begin(), end(), Pred()); set_cached(); } auto it = lower_bound(begin(), end(), str, Pred()); if (it != end() && it->key_ == str) return *it; #ifndef CROW_JSON_NO_ERROR_CHECK throw std::runtime_error("cannot find key"); #else static rvalue nullValue; return nullValue; #endif } void set_error() { option_|=error_bit; } bool error() const { return (option_&error_bit)!=0; } private: bool is_cached() const { return (option_&cached_bit)!=0; } void set_cached() const { option_ |= cached_bit; } void copy_l(const rvalue& r) { if (r.t() != type::Object && r.t() != type::List) return; lsize_ = r.lsize_; lremain_ = 0; l_.reset(new rvalue[lsize_]); std::copy(r.begin(), r.end(), begin()); } void emplace_back(rvalue&& v) { if (!lremain_) { int new_size = lsize_ + lsize_; if (new_size - lsize_ > 60000) new_size = lsize_ + 60000; if (new_size < 4) new_size = 4; rvalue* p = new rvalue[new_size]; rvalue* p2 = p; for(auto& x : *this) *p2++ = std::move(x); l_.reset(p); lremain_ = new_size - lsize_; } l_[lsize_++] = std::move(v); lremain_ --; } mutable char* start_; mutable char* end_; detail::r_string key_; std::unique_ptr<rvalue[]> l_; uint32_t lsize_; uint16_t lremain_; type t_; mutable uint8_t option_{0}; friend rvalue load_nocopy_internal(char* data, size_t size); friend rvalue load(const char* data, size_t size); friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const rvalue& r) { switch(r.t_) { case type::Null: os << "null"; break; case type::False: os << "false"; break; case type::True: os << "true"; break; case type::Number: os << r.d(); break; case type::String: os << '"' << r.s() << '"'; break; case type::List: { os << '['; bool first = true; for(auto& x : r) { if (!first) os << ','; first = false; os << x; } os << ']'; } break; case type::Object: { os << '{'; bool first = true; for(auto& x : r) { if (!first) os << ','; os << '"' << escape(x.key_) << "\":"; first = false; os << x; } os << '}'; } break; } return os; } }; namespace detail { } inline bool operator == (const rvalue& l, const std::string& r) { return l.s() == r; } inline bool operator == (const std::string& l, const rvalue& r) { return l == r.s(); } inline bool operator != (const rvalue& l, const std::string& r) { return l.s() != r; } inline bool operator != (const std::string& l, const rvalue& r) { return l != r.s(); } inline bool operator == (const rvalue& l, double r) { return l.d() == r; } inline bool operator == (double l, const rvalue& r) { return l == r.d(); } inline bool operator != (const rvalue& l, double r) { return l.d() != r; } inline bool operator != (double l, const rvalue& r) { return l != r.d(); } inline rvalue load_nocopy_internal(char* data, size_t size) { //static const char* escaped = "\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t"; struct Parser { Parser(char* data, size_t size) : data(data) { } bool consume(char c) { if (crow_json_unlikely(*data != c)) return false; data++; return true; } void ws_skip() { while(*data == ' ' || *data == '\t' || *data == '\r' || *data == '\n') ++data; }; rvalue decode_string() { if (crow_json_unlikely(!consume('"'))) return {}; char* start = data; uint8_t has_escaping = 0; while(1) { if (crow_json_likely(*data != '"' && *data != '\\' && *data != '\0')) { data ++; } else if (*data == '"') { *data = 0; *(start-1) = has_escaping; data++; return {type::String, start, data-1}; } else if (*data == '\\') { has_escaping = 1; data++; switch(*data) { case 'u': { auto check = [](char c) { return ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'F'); }; if (!(check(*(data+1)) && check(*(data+2)) && check(*(data+3)) && check(*(data+4)))) return {}; } data += 5; break; case '"': case '\\': case '/': case 'b': case 'f': case 'n': case 'r': case 't': data ++; break; default: return {}; } } else return {}; } return {}; } rvalue decode_list() { rvalue ret(type::List); if (crow_json_unlikely(!consume('['))) { ret.set_error(); return ret; } ws_skip(); if (crow_json_unlikely(*data == ']')) { data++; return ret; } while(1) { auto v = decode_value(); if (crow_json_unlikely(!v)) { ret.set_error(); break; } ws_skip(); ret.emplace_back(std::move(v)); if (*data == ']') { data++; break; } if (crow_json_unlikely(!consume(','))) { ret.set_error(); break; } ws_skip(); } return ret; } rvalue decode_number() { char* start = data; enum NumberParsingState { Minus, AfterMinus, ZeroFirst, Digits, DigitsAfterPoints, E, DigitsAfterE, Invalid, } state{Minus}; while(crow_json_likely(state != Invalid)) { switch(*data) { case '0': state = (NumberParsingState)"\2\2\7\3\4\6\6"[state]; /*if (state == NumberParsingState::Minus || state == NumberParsingState::AfterMinus) { state = NumberParsingState::ZeroFirst; } else if (state == NumberParsingState::Digits || state == NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterE || state == NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterPoints) { // ok; pass } else if (state == NumberParsingState::E) { state = NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterE; } else return {};*/ break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': state = (NumberParsingState)"\3\3\7\3\4\6\6"[state]; while(*(data+1) >= '0' && *(data+1) <= '9') data++; /*if (state == NumberParsingState::Minus || state == NumberParsingState::AfterMinus) { state = NumberParsingState::Digits; } else if (state == NumberParsingState::Digits || state == NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterE || state == NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterPoints) { // ok; pass } else if (state == NumberParsingState::E) { state = NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterE; } else return {};*/ break; case '.': state = (NumberParsingState)"\7\7\4\4\7\7\7"[state]; /* if (state == NumberParsingState::Digits || state == NumberParsingState::ZeroFirst) { state = NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterPoints; } else return {}; */ break; case '-': state = (NumberParsingState)"\1\7\7\7\7\6\7"[state]; /*if (state == NumberParsingState::Minus) { state = NumberParsingState::AfterMinus; } else if (state == NumberParsingState::E) { state = NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterE; } else return {};*/ break; case '+': state = (NumberParsingState)"\7\7\7\7\7\6\7"[state]; /*if (state == NumberParsingState::E) { state = NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterE; } else return {};*/ break; case 'e': case 'E': state = (NumberParsingState)"\7\7\7\5\5\7\7"[state]; /*if (state == NumberParsingState::Digits || state == NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterPoints) { state = NumberParsingState::E; } else return {};*/ break; default: if (crow_json_likely(state == NumberParsingState::ZeroFirst || state == NumberParsingState::Digits || state == NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterPoints || state == NumberParsingState::DigitsAfterE)) return {type::Number, start, data}; else return {}; } data++; } return {}; } rvalue decode_value() { switch(*data) { case '[': return decode_list(); case '{': return decode_object(); case '"': return decode_string(); case 't': if (//e-data >= 4 && data[1] == 'r' && data[2] == 'u' && data[3] == 'e') { data += 4; return {type::True}; } else return {}; case 'f': if (//e-data >= 5 && data[1] == 'a' && data[2] == 'l' && data[3] == 's' && data[4] == 'e') { data += 5; return {type::False}; } else return {}; case 'n': if (//e-data >= 4 && data[1] == 'u' && data[2] == 'l' && data[3] == 'l') { data += 4; return {type::Null}; } else return {}; //case '1': case '2': case '3': //case '4': case '5': case '6': //case '7': case '8': case '9': //case '0': case '-': default: return decode_number(); } return {}; } rvalue decode_object() { rvalue ret(type::Object); if (crow_json_unlikely(!consume('{'))) { ret.set_error(); return ret; } ws_skip(); if (crow_json_unlikely(*data == '}')) { data++; return ret; } while(1) { auto t = decode_string(); if (crow_json_unlikely(!t)) { ret.set_error(); break; } ws_skip(); if (crow_json_unlikely(!consume(':'))) { ret.set_error(); break; } // TODO caching key to speed up (flyweight?) auto key = t.s(); ws_skip(); auto v = decode_value(); if (crow_json_unlikely(!v)) { ret.set_error(); break; } ws_skip(); v.key_ = std::move(key); ret.emplace_back(std::move(v)); if (crow_json_unlikely(*data == '}')) { data++; break; } if (crow_json_unlikely(!consume(','))) { ret.set_error(); break; } ws_skip(); } return ret; } rvalue parse() { ws_skip(); auto ret = decode_value(); // or decode object? ws_skip(); if (ret && *data != '\0') ret.set_error(); return ret; } char* data; }; return Parser(data, size).parse(); } inline rvalue load(const char* data, size_t size) { char* s = new char[size+1]; memcpy(s, data, size); s[size] = 0; auto ret = load_nocopy_internal(s, size); if (ret) ret.key_.force(s, size); else delete[] s; return ret; } inline rvalue load(const char* data) { return load(data, strlen(data)); } inline rvalue load(const std::string& str) { return load(str.data(), str.size()); } class wvalue { friend class crow::mustache::template_t; public: type t() const { return t_; } private: type t_{type::Null}; double d {}; std::string s; std::unique_ptr<std::vector<wvalue>> l; std::unique_ptr<std::unordered_map<std::string, wvalue>> o; public: wvalue() {} wvalue(const rvalue& r) { t_ = r.t(); switch(r.t()) { case type::Null: case type::False: case type::True: return; case type::Number: d = r.d(); return; case type::String: s = r.s(); return; case type::List: l = std::move(std::unique_ptr<std::vector<wvalue>>(new std::vector<wvalue>{})); l->reserve(r.size()); for(auto it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it) l->emplace_back(*it); return; case type::Object: o = std::move( std::unique_ptr< std::unordered_map<std::string, wvalue> >( new std::unordered_map<std::string, wvalue>{})); for(auto it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it) o->emplace(it->key(), *it); return; } } wvalue(wvalue&& r) { *this = std::move(r); } wvalue& operator = (wvalue&& r) { t_ = r.t_; d = r.d; s = std::move(r.s); l = std::move(r.l); o = std::move(r.o); return *this; } void clear() { t_ = type::Null; l.reset(); o.reset(); } void reset() { t_ = type::Null; l.reset(); o.reset(); } wvalue& operator = (std::nullptr_t) { reset(); return *this; } wvalue& operator = (bool value) { reset(); if (value) t_ = type::True; else t_ = type::False; return *this; } wvalue& operator = (double value) { reset(); t_ = type::Number; d = value; return *this; } wvalue& operator = (unsigned short value) { reset(); t_ = type::Number; d = (double)value; return *this; } wvalue& operator = (short value) { reset(); t_ = type::Number; d = (double)value; return *this; } wvalue& operator = (long long value) { reset(); t_ = type::Number; d = (double)value; return *this; } wvalue& operator = (long value) { reset(); t_ = type::Number; d = (double)value; return *this; } wvalue& operator = (int value) { reset(); t_ = type::Number; d = (double)value; return *this; } wvalue& operator = (unsigned long long value) { reset(); t_ = type::Number; d = (double)value; return *this; } wvalue& operator = (unsigned long value) { reset(); t_ = type::Number; d = (double)value; return *this; } wvalue& operator = (unsigned int value) { reset(); t_ = type::Number; d = (double)value; return *this; } wvalue& operator=(const char* str) { reset(); t_ = type::String; s = str; return *this; } wvalue& operator=(const std::string& str) { reset(); t_ = type::String; s = str; return *this; } template <typename T> wvalue& operator=(const std::vector<T>& v) { if (t_ != type::List) reset(); t_ = type::List; if (!l) l = std::move(std::unique_ptr<std::vector<wvalue>>(new std::vector<wvalue>{})); l->clear(); l->resize(v.size()); size_t idx = 0; for(auto& x:v) { (*l)[idx++] = x; } return *this; } wvalue& operator[](unsigned index) { if (t_ != type::List) reset(); t_ = type::List; if (!l) l = std::move(std::unique_ptr<std::vector<wvalue>>(new std::vector<wvalue>{})); if (l->size() < index+1) l->resize(index+1); return (*l)[index]; } int count(const std::string& str) { if (t_ != type::Object) return 0; if (!o) return 0; return o->count(str); } wvalue& operator[](const std::string& str) { if (t_ != type::Object) reset(); t_ = type::Object; if (!o) o = std::move( std::unique_ptr< std::unordered_map<std::string, wvalue> >( new std::unordered_map<std::string, wvalue>{})); return (*o)[str]; } size_t estimate_length() const { switch(t_) { case type::Null: return 4; case type::False: return 5; case type::True: return 4; case type::Number: return 30; case type::String: return 2+s.size()+s.size()/2; case type::List: { size_t sum{}; if (l) { for(auto& x:*l) { sum += 1; sum += x.estimate_length(); } } return sum+2; } case type::Object: { size_t sum{}; if (o) { for(auto& kv:*o) { sum += 2; sum += 2+kv.first.size()+kv.first.size()/2; sum += kv.second.estimate_length(); } } return sum+2; } } return 1; } friend void dump_internal(const wvalue& v, std::string& out); friend std::string dump(const wvalue& v); }; inline void dump_string(const std::string& str, std::string& out) { out.push_back('"'); escape(str, out); out.push_back('"'); } inline void dump_internal(const wvalue& v, std::string& out) { switch(v.t_) { case type::Null: out += "null"; break; case type::False: out += "false"; break; case type::True: out += "true"; break; case type::Number: { char outbuf[128]; sprintf(outbuf, "%g", v.d); out += outbuf; } break; case type::String: dump_string(v.s, out); break; case type::List: { out.push_back('['); if (v.l) { bool first = true; for(auto& x:*v.l) { if (!first) { out.push_back(','); } first = false; dump_internal(x, out); } } out.push_back(']'); } break; case type::Object: { out.push_back('{'); if (v.o) { bool first = true; for(auto& kv:*v.o) { if (!first) { out.push_back(','); } first = false; dump_string(kv.first, out); out.push_back(':'); dump_internal(kv.second, out); } } out.push_back('}'); } break; } } inline std::string dump(const wvalue& v) { std::string ret; ret.reserve(v.estimate_length()); dump_internal(v, ret); return ret; } //std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> dump_ref(wvalue& v) //{ //} } } #undef crow_json_likely #undef crow_json_unlikely