// // Created by mwo on 28/05/17. // #include "MempoolStatus.h" namespace xmreg { using namespace std; void MempoolStatus::set_blockchain_variables(MicroCore *_mcore, Blockchain *_core_storage) { mcore = _mcore; core_storage = _core_storage; } void MempoolStatus::start_mempool_status_thread() { if (!is_running) { m_thread = boost::thread{[]() { try { while (true) { cout << "mempool status: " << endl; // when we reach top of the blockchain, update // the emission amount every minute. boost::this_thread::sleep_for(boost::chrono::seconds(10)); } // while (true) } catch (boost::thread_interrupted&) { cout << "Mempool status thread interrupted." << endl; return; } }}; // m_thread = boost::thread{[]() is_running = true; } // if (!is_running) } bool MempoolStatus::is_thread_running() { return is_running; } bf::path MempoolStatus::blockchain_path {"/home/mwo/.bitmonero/lmdb"}; string MempoolStatus::deamon_url {"http:://"}; bool MempoolStatus::testnet {false}; atomic MempoolStatus::is_running {false}; boost::thread MempoolStatus::m_thread; Blockchain* MempoolStatus::core_storage {nullptr}; xmreg::MicroCore* MempoolStatus::mcore {nullptr}; }