- {{#enable_js}}
- {{/enable_js}}
@@ -170,49 +154,6 @@
// to decode and prove txs.
$(document).ready(function() {
- var H = "8b655970153799af2aeadc9ff1add0ea6c7251d54154cfa92c173a0dd39c1f94";
- //decode amount and mask and check against commitment
- // from https://xmr.llcoins.net/js/site.js
- function decodeRct(rv, i, der){
- var key = derivation_to_scalar(der, i);
- var ecdh = decode_rct_ecdh(rv.ecdhInfo[i], key);
- console.log(ecdh);
- var Ctmp = commit(ecdh.amount, ecdh.mask);
- console.log(Ctmp);
- if (Ctmp !== rv.outPk[i]){
- throw "mismatched commitments!";
- }
- ecdh.amount = s2d(ecdh.amount);
- return ecdh;
- }
- //creates a Pedersen commitment from an amount (in scalar form) and a mask
- //C = bG + aH where b = mask, a = amount
- // from https://xmr.llcoins.net/js/site.js
- function commit(amount, mask){
- if (!valid_hex(mask) || mask.length !== 64 || !valid_hex(amount) || amount.length !== 64){
- throw "invalid amount or mask!";
- }
- var C = ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(amount, H, mask);
- return C;
- }
- // // from https://xmr.llcoins.net/js/site.js
- function s2d(scalar){
- return JSBigInt.parse(swapEndian(scalar), 16).toString();
- }
- //switch byte order for hex string
- // from https://xmr.llcoins.net/js/site.js
- function swapEndian(hex){
- if (hex.length % 2 !== 0){return "length must be a multiple of 2!";}
- var data = "";
- for (var i=1; i <= hex.length / 2; i++){
- data += hex.substr(0 - 2 * i, 2);
- }
- return data;
- }
// we need output pubplic keys, their indexes and amounts.
// all this is already avaliable on the html, but we can use
@@ -220,11 +161,6 @@
var tx_json = {{#tx_json_raw}}{{/tx_json_raw}};
- //console.log(tx_json);
- var is_rct = ($("#is_ringct").val() === "yes");
- var rct_type = parseInt($("#ringct_type").val());
var tx_public_key = $("#tx_pub_key").text();
// get the tx publick key outputs from the hidden field
@@ -236,86 +172,140 @@
- console.log(is_rct, rct_type, tx_outputs);
+ //console.log(is_rct, rct_type, tx_outputs);
- $("#decode_btn").click(function() {
+ $("#decode_btn").click(function() {
var address = $("input[name=xmr_address]").val();
var viewkey = $("input[name=viewkey]").val();
var address_decoded = decode_address(address);
- var key_derivation = generate_key_derivation(tx_public_key, viewkey);
+ decodeOutputs(tx_json, tx_public_key, viewkey, address_decoded.spend);
+ });
- console.log(tx_public_key, address, viewkey, key_derivation);
+ $("#prove_btn").click(function() {
+ $("#decode-prove-results").html("Prove button pressed");
- console.log(address_decoded);
+ var address = $("input[name=xmraddress]").val();
+ var tx_prv_key = $("input[name=txprvkey]").val();
- // go over each tx output, and check if it is ours or not
- var decoding_results_str = '
Output decoding results
+ var address_decoded = decode_address(address);
- decoding_results_str += '
+ decodeOutputs(tx_json, address_decoded.view, tx_prv_key, address_decoded.spend);
- tx_outputs.forEach(function(output) {
+ });
- var output_idx = parseInt(output[0]);
- var output_pub_key = output[1];
- var amount = parseInt(output[2]);
+ });
- var pubkey_generated = derive_public_key(key_derivation, output_idx, address_decoded.spend);
+ function decodeOutputs(tx_json, pub_key, sec_key, address_pub_key) {
+ //console.log(tx_json);
- var mine_output = (output_pub_key == pubkey_generated);
+ var is_rct = (tx_json.version === 2);
+ var rct_type = (is_rct ? tx_json.rct_signatures.type : -1);
- var mine_output_str = "false";
+ var key_derivation = generate_key_derivation(pub_key, sec_key);
- if (mine_output) {
+ // console.log(pub_key, address_pub_key, sec_key, key_derivation);
- mine_output_str = 'true';
- if (is_rct) {
- try {
- var ecdh = decodeRct(tx_json.rct_signatures, output_idx, key_derivation);
- amount = ecdh.amount / 1e12;
- } catch (err) {
- decoding_results_str += "RingCT amount for output " + i + " with pubkey: " + output_pub_key + " decoded incorrectly! It will not be spendable." + "" + " "; //rct commitment != computed
- //throw "invalid rct amount";
- }
- }
- }
+ // go over each tx output, and check if it is ours or not
+ var decoding_results_str = '
+ $("#decode-prove-results").html(decoding_results_str);
+ }
- });
+ //decode amount and mask and check against commitment
+ // from https://xmr.llcoins.net/js/site.js
+ var H = "8b655970153799af2aeadc9ff1add0ea6c7251d54154cfa92c173a0dd39c1f94";
+ function decodeRct(rv, i, der){
+ var key = derivation_to_scalar(der, i);
+ var ecdh = decode_rct_ecdh(rv.ecdhInfo[i], key);
+ console.log(ecdh);
+ var Ctmp = commit(ecdh.amount, ecdh.mask);
+ console.log(Ctmp);
+ if (Ctmp !== rv.outPk[i]){
+ throw "mismatched commitments!";
+ }
+ ecdh.amount = s2d(ecdh.amount);
+ return ecdh;
+ }
+ //creates a Pedersen commitment from an amount (in scalar form) and a mask
+ //C = bG + aH where b = mask, a = amount
+ // from https://xmr.llcoins.net/js/site.js
+ function commit(amount, mask){
+ if (!valid_hex(mask) || mask.length !== 64 || !valid_hex(amount) || amount.length !== 64){
+ throw "invalid amount or mask!";
+ }
+ var C = ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(amount, H, mask);
+ return C;
+ }
+ // // from https://xmr.llcoins.net/js/site.js
+ function s2d(scalar){
+ return JSBigInt.parse(swapEndian(scalar), 16).toString();
+ }
+ //switch byte order for hex string
+ // from https://xmr.llcoins.net/js/site.js
+ function swapEndian(hex){
+ if (hex.length % 2 !== 0){return "length must be a multiple of 2!";}
+ var data = "";
+ for (var i=1; i <= hex.length / 2; i++){
+ data += hex.substr(0 - 2 * i, 2);
+ }
+ return data;
+ }