{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %}

Add A Node

{{ form.csrf_token }} {% for f in form %} {% if f.name != 'csrf_token' %}
{{ f.label }} {{ f }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
    {% for field, errors in form.errors.items() %}
  • {{ form[field].label }}: {{ ', '.join(errors) }}
  • {% endfor %}

Find a Node

{% if nodes %}

{% if web_compatible %} Web compatible means the node is run in such a way that it allows web clients to access their APIs (CORS headers allow all and secure HTTP / TLS terminated).
The more nodes there are running with these settings the more robust web clients will be in the future.

{% endif %} Download HAProxy config

Tracking {{ nodes_all }} {{ nettype }} {{ crypto | capitalize }} nodes in the database.
Of those, {{ nodes_unhealthy }} nodes failed their last check-in (unresponsive to ping or over 500 blocks away from highest reported block).

Showing {{ nodes | length }} nodes. {% if 'all' not in request.args %} Show All {% else %} Show Active {% endif %}

{% for node in nodes %} {% endfor %}
URL Height Available Web
Network Date Added Last Checked History
{% if node.is_tor %}{% endif %}{{ node.url }} {{ node.last_height }} {% if node.available %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if node.web_compatible %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ node.nettype }} {{ node.datetime_entered | humanize }} {{ node.datetime_checked | humanize }} {% for hc in node.healthchecks %} {% if loop.index > loop.length - 6 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% else %}

No nodes in the database yet...

{% endif %}
{% endblock %}