# Wownero Container image for the official Wownero source code compiled to provide daemon, wallet CLI, and wallet RPC binaries. ## Instructions Pre-requisites: * Recent Ubuntu Linux * `sudo apt-get install docker.io docker-compose` * `sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami); logout` ## Node-in-a-box The simplest way to get started is to use docker-compose and turn up the provided packages, including the Wownero daemon, monitoring tools, and a visualization/graphing tool. ``` cd wownero/ # in this folder docker-compose up -d # wownerod available at ports 34567 and 34568 ``` You can host the node on an official DNS endpoint for public usage or keep it local for your own private usage. ![](files/static/wownerod-grafana.png) ## Manual Daemon and Wallet Setup The node and wallet software is in the same package, so both can be used from within the Docker container. ``` # build container image of wownero binaries docker build -t wownero . # create network bridge so containers can communicate docker network create --driver=bridge wownero # run wownero daemon with RPC bindings docker run -d --rm --name wownero-daemon \ --net=wownero \ -v daemon:/data \ -p 34568:34568 \ wownero \ wownerod \ --data-dir=/data \ --rpc-bind-ip= \ --confirm-external-bind \ --non-interactive # run wownero-wallet-cli docker run --rm -it --name wownero-wallet \ --net=wownero \ -v wallet:/data \ wownero \ wownero-wallet-cli \ --trusted-daemon \ --daemon-address wownero-daemon:34568 ```