You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

71 lines
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#[path = ""]
mod data;
#[path = ""]
mod helpers;
use data::{WireGuardOptions, PeerConfig};
use helpers::{wg_cmd, sh_cmd};
use rocket_contrib::templates::Template;
use rocket_contrib::json::{JsonValue, Json};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::fs;
pub fn home() -> Template {
let show_config = wg_cmd(&["show"]);
let whoami = sh_cmd("whoami");
let uptime = sh_cmd("uptime");
let hostname = sh_cmd("hostname");
let netstat_info = sh_cmd("netstat -tan | grep \"ESTABLISHED\\|CLOSE_WAIT\"");
let shell_ps1 = format!(
"{}@{} $",
let context: JsonValue = json!({
"show_config": show_config.trim_end(),
"uptime": uptime.trim_end(),
"netstat_info": netstat_info,
"shell_ps1": shell_ps1,
Template::render("home", context)
pub fn add_peer() -> Template {
let new_key = wg_cmd(&["genkey"]);
let state = WireGuardOptions { ..Default::default() };
let context: JsonValue = json!({
"privkey": new_key.trim_end(),
"state": state,
Template::render("add_peer", context)
#[post("/save-peer", data = "<peer_config>")]
pub fn save_peer_config(peer_config: Json<PeerConfig>) -> JsonValue {
println!("{:#?}", peer_config);
// let peer_config = format!("[Peer]
// # name = {}
// PublicKey = {}
// AllowedIPs = {}/32")
// let mut file = File::create("/tmp/wgas.conf").unwrap();
// let conf_str = serde_json::to_string(&input.into_inner()).unwrap();
// file.write_all().unwrap();
// let wg_set = wg_cmda(&["set", "wg0", "private-key", "/tmp/wgas.conf"]); // todo - randomize
// let file_removed = match fs::remove_file("/tmp/wgas.conf"){
// Ok(_) => true,
// Err(_) => false
// };
"eyo": "hello",
"config_data": "asd",
// "response": wg_set.trim_end(),
// "key_cleared": file_removed