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298 lines
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package serve
import (
func Register(app *kingpin.Application) *servecmd {
cmd := &servecmd{}
cli := app.Command(cmd.Name(), "Run the server")
cli.Flag("config", "Path to a wg-access-server config file").Envar("WG_CONFIG").StringVar(&cmd.ConfigFilePath)
cli.Flag("admin-username", "Admin username (defaults to admin)").Envar("WG_ADMIN_USERNAME").Default("admin").StringVar(&cmd.AppConfig.AdminUsername)
cli.Flag("admin-password", "Admin password (provide plaintext, stored in-memory only)").Envar("WG_ADMIN_PASSWORD").StringVar(&cmd.AppConfig.AdminPassword)
cli.Flag("port", "The port that the web ui server will listen on").Envar("WG_PORT").Default("8000").IntVar(&cmd.AppConfig.Port)
cli.Flag("external-host", "The external origin of the server (e.g.").Envar("WG_EXTERNAL_HOST").StringVar(&cmd.AppConfig.ExternalHost)
cli.Flag("storage", "The storage backend connection string").Envar("WG_STORAGE").Default("memory://").StringVar(&cmd.AppConfig.Storage)
cli.Flag("disable-metadata", "Disable metadata collection (i.e. metrics)").Envar("WG_DISABLE_METADATA").Default("false").BoolVar(&cmd.AppConfig.DisableMetadata)
cli.Flag("wireguard-enabled", "Enable or disable the embedded wireguard server (useful for development)").Envar("WG_WIREGUARD_ENABLED").Default("true").BoolVar(&cmd.AppConfig.WireGuard.Enabled)
cli.Flag("wireguard-interface", "Set the wireguard interface name").Default("wg0").Envar("WG_WIREGUARD_INTERFACE").StringVar(&cmd.AppConfig.WireGuard.Interface)
cli.Flag("wireguard-private-key", "Wireguard private key").Envar("WG_WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY").StringVar(&cmd.AppConfig.WireGuard.PrivateKey)
cli.Flag("wireguard-port", "The port that the Wireguard server will listen on").Envar("WG_WIREGUARD_PORT").Default("51820").IntVar(&cmd.AppConfig.WireGuard.Port)
cli.Flag("vpn-cidr", "The network CIDR for the VPN").Envar("WG_VPN_CIDR").Default("").StringVar(&cmd.AppConfig.VPN.CIDR)
cli.Flag("vpn-gateway-interface", "The gateway network interface (i.e. eth0)").Envar("WG_VPN_GATEWAY_INTERFACE").Default(detectDefaultInterface()).StringVar(&cmd.AppConfig.VPN.GatewayInterface)
cli.Flag("vpn-allowed-ips", "A list of networks that VPN clients will be allowed to connect to via the VPN").Envar("WG_VPN_ALLOWED_IPS").Default("").StringsVar(&cmd.AppConfig.VPN.AllowedIPs)
cli.Flag("dns-enabled", "Enable or disable the embedded dns proxy server (useful for development)").Envar("WG_DNS_ENABLED").Default("true").BoolVar(&cmd.AppConfig.DNS.Enabled)
cli.Flag("dns-upstream", "An upstream DNS server to proxy DNS traffic to. Defaults to resolveconf or").Envar("WG_DNS_UPSTREAM").Default(detectDNSUpstream()).StringsVar(&cmd.AppConfig.DNS.Upstream)
return cmd
type servecmd struct {
ConfigFilePath string
AppConfig config.AppConfig
func (cmd *servecmd) Name() string {
return "serve"
func (cmd *servecmd) Run() {
conf := cmd.ReadConfig()
// The server's IP within the VPN virtual network
vpnip := network.ServerVPNIP(conf.VPN.CIDR)
// Allow traffic to wg-access-server's peer endpoint.
// This is important because clients will send traffic
// to the embedded DNS proxy using the VPN IP
conf.VPN.AllowedIPs = append(conf.VPN.AllowedIPs, fmt.Sprintf("%s/32", vpnip.IP.String()))
// WireGuard Server
wg := wgembed.NewNoOpInterface()
if conf.WireGuard.Enabled {
wgimpl, err := wgembed.New(conf.WireGuard.Interface)
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create wireguard interface"))
defer wgimpl.Close()
wg = wgimpl
logrus.Infof("starting wireguard server on", conf.WireGuard.Port)
wgconfig := &wgembed.ConfigFile{
Interface: wgembed.IfaceConfig{
PrivateKey: conf.WireGuard.PrivateKey,
Address: vpnip.String(),
ListenPort: &conf.WireGuard.Port,
if err := wg.LoadConfig(wgconfig); err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load wireguard config"))
logrus.Infof("wireguard VPN network is %s", conf.VPN.CIDR)
if err := network.ConfigureForwarding(conf.WireGuard.Interface, conf.VPN.GatewayInterface, conf.VPN.CIDR, conf.VPN.AllowedIPs); err != nil {
// DNS Server
if conf.DNS.Enabled {
dns, err := dnsproxy.New(dnsproxy.DNSServerOpts{
Upstream: conf.DNS.Upstream,
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start dns server"))
defer dns.Close()
// Storage
storageBackend, err := storage.NewStorage(conf.Storage)
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create storage backend"))
if err := storageBackend.Open(); err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to connect/open storage backend"))
defer storageBackend.Close()
// Services
deviceManager := devices.New(wg, storageBackend, conf.VPN.CIDR)
if err := deviceManager.StartSync(conf.DisableMetadata); err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to sync"))
router := mux.NewRouter()
// Health check endpoint
// Authentication middleware
if conf.Auth.IsEnabled() {
router.Use(authnz.NewMiddleware(conf.Auth, claimsMiddleware(conf)))
} else {
logrus.Warn("[DEPRECATION NOTICE] using wg-access-server without an admin user is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming minor release.")
router.Use(func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(authsession.SetIdentityCtx(r.Context(), &authsession.AuthSession{
Identity: &authsession.Identity{
Subject: "",
// Subrouter for our site (web + api)
site := router.PathPrefix("/").Subrouter()
// Grpc api
Config: conf,
DeviceManager: deviceManager,
Wg: wg,
// Static website
publicRouter := router
// Listen
address := fmt.Sprintf("", conf.Port)
srv := &http.Server{
Addr: address,
Handler: publicRouter,
// Start Web server
logrus.Infof("web ui listening on %v", address)
if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "unable to start http server"))
func (cmd *servecmd) ReadConfig() *config.AppConfig {
if cmd.ConfigFilePath != "" {
if b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cmd.ConfigFilePath); err == nil {
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(b, &cmd.AppConfig); err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to bind configuration file"))
if cmd.AppConfig.LogLevel != "" {
if level, err := logrus.ParseLevel(cmd.AppConfig.LogLevel); err == nil {
if cmd.AppConfig.AdminPassword == "" {
logrus.Fatal("missing admin password: please set via environment variable, flag or config file")
if cmd.AppConfig.DisableMetadata {
logrus.Info("Metadata collection has been disabled. No metrics or device connectivity information will be recorded or shown")
// set a basic auth entry for the admin user
if cmd.AppConfig.Auth.Basic == nil {
cmd.AppConfig.Auth.Basic = &authconfig.BasicAuthConfig{}
pw, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(cmd.AppConfig.AdminPassword), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to generate a bcrypt hash for the provided admin password"))
cmd.AppConfig.Auth.Basic.Users = append(cmd.AppConfig.Auth.Basic.Users, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", cmd.AppConfig.AdminUsername, string(pw)))
// we'll generate a private key when using memory://
// storage only.
if cmd.AppConfig.WireGuard.PrivateKey == "" {
if !strings.HasPrefix(cmd.AppConfig.Storage, "memory://") {
key, err := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey()
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to generate a server private key"))
cmd.AppConfig.WireGuard.PrivateKey = key.String()
return &cmd.AppConfig
func claimsMiddleware(conf *config.AppConfig) authsession.ClaimsMiddleware {
return func(user *authsession.Identity) error {
if user.Subject == conf.AdminUsername {
user.Claims.Add("admin", "true")
return nil
func detectDNSUpstream() string {
upstream := []string{}
if r, err := resolvconf.Get(); err == nil {
upstream = resolvconf.GetNameservers(r.Content, types.IPv4)
if len(upstream) == 0 {
logrus.Warn("failed to get nameservers from /etc/resolv.conf defaulting to for DNS instead")
upstream = []string{""}
return upstream[0]
func detectDefaultInterface() string {
links, err := netlink.LinkList()
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to list network interfaces"))
return ""
for _, link := range links {
routes, err := netlink.RouteList(link, 4)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn(errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to list routes for interface %s", link.Attrs().Name))
return ""
for _, route := range routes {
if route.Dst == nil {
return link.Attrs().Name
logrus.Warn(errors.New("could not determine the default network interface name"))
return ""
var missingPrivateKey = `missing wireguard private key:
create a key:
$ wg genkey
configure via environment variable:
$ export WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY="<private-key>"
or configure via flag:
$ wg-access-server serve --wireguard-private-key="<private-key>"
or configure via file:
privateKey: "<private-key>"