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package config
import (
type AppConfig struct {
LogLevel string `yaml:"loglevel"`
DisableMetadata bool `yaml:"disableMetadata"`
AdminSubject string `yaml:"adminSubject"`
AdminPassword string `yaml:"adminPassword"`
Storage struct {
// Directory that VPN devices (WireGuard peers)
// should be saved under.
// If this value is empty then an InMemory storage
// backend will be used (not recommended).
Directory string `yaml:"directory"`
} `yaml:"storage"`
WireGuard struct {
// The network interface name of the WireGuard
// network device.
// Defaults to wg0
InterfaceName string `yaml:"interfaceName"`
// The WireGuard PrivateKey
// If this value is lost then any existing
// clients (WireGuard peers) will no longer
// be able to connect.
// Clients will either have to manually update
// their connection configuration or setup
// their VPN again using the web ui (easier for most people)
PrivateKey string `yaml:"privateKey"`
// ExternalAddress is the address that clients
// use to connect to the wireguard interface
// By default, this will be empty and the web ui
// will use the current page's origin.
ExternalHost *string `yaml:"externalHost"`
// The WireGuard ListenPort
// Defaults to 51820
Port int `yaml:"port"`
} `yaml:"wireguard"`
VPN struct {
// CIDR configures a network address space
// that client (WireGuard peers) will be allocated
// an IP address from
CIDR string `yaml:"cidr"`
// GatewayInterface will be used in iptable forwarding
// rules that send VPN traffic from clients to this interface
// Most use-cases will want this interface to have access
// to the outside internet
GatewayInterface string `yaml:"gatewayInterface"`
// Rules allows you to configure what level
// of network isolation should be enfoced.
Rules *network.NetworkRules `yaml:"rules"`
DNS struct {
Upstream []string `yaml:"upstream"`
} `yaml:"dns"`
// Auth configures optional authentication backends
// to controll access to the web ui.
// Devices will be managed on a per-user basis if any
// auth backends are configured.
// If no authentication backends are configured then
// the server will not require any authentication.
Auth authconfig.AuthConfig `yaml:"auth"`
var (
app = kingpin.New("wg-access-server", "An all-in-one WireGuard Access Server & VPN solution")
configPath = app.Flag("config", "Path to a config file").Envar("CONFIG").String()
logLevel = app.Flag("log-level", "Log level (debug, info, error)").Envar("LOG_LEVEL").Default("info").String()
storagePath = app.Flag("storage-directory", "Path to a storage directory").Envar("STORAGE_DIRECTORY").String()
privateKey = app.Flag("wireguard-private-key", "Wireguard private key").Envar("WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY").String()
disableMetadata = app.Flag("disable-metadata", "Disable metadata collection (i.e. metrics)").Envar("DISABLE_METADATA").Default("false").Bool()
adminUsername = app.Flag("admin-username", "Admin username (defaults to admin)").Envar("ADMIN_USERNAME").String()
adminPassword = app.Flag("admin-password", "Admin password (provide plaintext, stored in-memory only)").Envar("ADMIN_PASSWORD").String()
upstreamDNS = app.Flag("upstream-dns", "An upstream DNS server to proxy DNS traffic to").Envar("UPSTREAM_DNS").String()
func Read() *AppConfig {
config := AppConfig{}
config.LogLevel = *logLevel
config.WireGuard.InterfaceName = "wg0"
config.WireGuard.Port = 51820
config.VPN.CIDR = ""
config.DisableMetadata = *disableMetadata
config.Storage.Directory = *storagePath
config.WireGuard.PrivateKey = *privateKey
if adminPassword != nil {
config.AdminPassword = *adminPassword
config.AdminSubject = *adminUsername
if config.AdminSubject == "" {
config.AdminSubject = "admin"
if upstreamDNS != nil {
config.DNS.Upstream = []string{*upstreamDNS}
if config.VPN.Rules == nil {
config.VPN.Rules = &network.NetworkRules{
AllowVPNLAN: true,
AllowServerLAN: true,
AllowInternet: true,
if *configPath != "" {
if b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*configPath); err == nil {
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(b, &config); err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to bind configuration file"))
level, err := logrus.ParseLevel(config.LogLevel)
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "invalid log level - should be one of fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace"))
CallerPrettyfier: func(f *runtime.Frame) (string, string) {
return "", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filepath.Base(f.File), f.Line)
if config.DisableMetadata {
logrus.Info("Metadata collection has been disabled. No metrics or device connectivity information will be recorded or shown")
if config.VPN.GatewayInterface == "" {
iface, err := defaultInterface()
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set default value for VPN.GatewayInterface"))
} else {
config.VPN.GatewayInterface = iface
if config.WireGuard.PrivateKey == "" {
logrus.Warn("no private key has been configured! using an in-memory private key that will be lost when the process exits!")
key, err := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey()
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to generate a server private key"))
config.WireGuard.PrivateKey = key.String()
if config.Storage.Directory == "" {
logrus.Warn("storage directory not configured - using in-memory storage backend! wireguard devices will be lost when the process exits!")
} else {
config.Storage.Directory, err = filepath.Abs(config.Storage.Directory)
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get absolute path to storage directory"))
os.MkdirAll(config.Storage.Directory, 0700)
if config.AdminPassword != "" {
if config.Auth.Basic == nil {
config.Auth.Basic = &authconfig.BasicAuthConfig{}
// htpasswd.AcceptBcrypt(config.AdminPassword)
pw, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(config.AdminPassword), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to generate a bcrypt hash for the provided admin password"))
config.Auth.Basic.Users = append(config.Auth.Basic.Users, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", config.AdminSubject, string(pw)))
return &config
func defaultInterface() (string, error) {
links, err := netlink.LinkList()
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to list network interfaces")
for _, link := range links {
routes, err := netlink.RouteList(link, 4)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to list routes for interface %s", link.Attrs().Name)
for _, route := range routes {
if route.Dst == nil {
return link.Attrs().Name, nil
return "", errors.New("could not determine the default network interface name")
func linkIPAddr(name string) (net.IP, error) {
link, err := netlink.LinkByName(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to find network interface %s", name)
routes, err := netlink.RouteList(link, 4)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to list routes for interface %s", link.Attrs().Name)
for _, route := range routes {
if route.Src != nil {
return route.Src, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no source IP found for interface %s", link.Attrs().Name)