# Pirate Command line HTML parser/scraper used for grabbing torrents from [ThePirateBay](https://thepiratebay.se). Downloads torrents using command line program, transmission-daemon. Initially made for the older version with torrents hosted from a separate subdomain, but now modified for grabbing magnet links instead. ---- ## Requirements This script was written in Python version 2.7. Version 3 compatibility requires rewriting some code, and may be done at a later time. Pull requests welcome. This script depends on 3 external Python libraries. Please ensure the following are installed to the system: * transmissionrpc * requests * beautifulsoup4 If pip is installed, just run: ``` pip install transmissionrpc requests beautifulsoup4 ``` ## Usage Place the script somewhere in your executable path. I like ~/bin ``` $ mkdir ~/bin $ echo 'PATH=$PATH:~/bin' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc $ cp pirate/pirate.py ~/bin ``` Then just run it ``` $ pirate.py ``` The rest is self explanatory