# Config This modules sets up AWS Config for auditing the account and alerting on insecure conditions. There is a list of pre-made Config rules authored by AWS here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/config/latest/developerguide/managed-rules-by-aws-config.html I only picked the most obvious ones because there are a ton of available rules but they can cost a lot to turn them all on. ## Usage ``` module "cloudtrail" { source = "github.com/lalanza808/tf-modules.git/security/cloudtrail" force_destroy_bucket = true } module "sns_topic" { source = "github.com/lalanza808/tf-modules.git/monitoring/sns-email-topic" sns_emails = ["user@email.com"] } module "config" { source = "github.com/lalanza808/tf-modules.git/monitoring/config" sns_topic_arn = module.sns_topic.topic_arn s3_buckets_logging_enabled = [ module.cloudtrail.s3_bucket ] } ``` ## Inputs The main ones you would want to override are: * `sns_topic_arn` - An SNS topic ARN for notifying when a Config rule has breached * `s3_buckets_logging_enabled` - A list of buckets to create Config rules for monitoring Cloudtrail data plane operations log collection See the full list of inputs here: [variables.tf](./variables.tf) ## Outputs [output.tf](./output.tf)