from jinja2 import Template from os import path from csv import reader def run(): csv_data = {} totals = { 'accounts': [], 'regions': [], 'scan_results': [], 'passes': [], 'fails': [], 'infos': [], 'all_by_sev': {}, 'passes_by_sev': {}, 'fails_by_sev': {}, 'infos_by_sev': {}, } with open('template.html') as f: tpl = with open('prowler-test.csv') as csv_file: csv_reader = reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') next(csv_reader, None) for idx, row in enumerate(csv_reader): csv_data[idx] = { 'profile': row[0], 'account_id': row[1], 'region': row[2], 'title_id': row[3], 'result': row[4], 'scored': row[5], 'level': row[6], 'title_text': row[7], 'notes': row[8], 'compliance': row[9], 'severity': row[10], 'service_name': row[11], } d = csv_data[idx] t = totals if d['account_id'] not in t['accounts']: t['accounts'].append(d['account_id']) if d['region'] not in t['regions']: t['regions'].append(d['region']) t['scan_results'].append(idx) if d['result'] == 'PASS': t['passes'].append(idx) elif d['result'] == 'FAIL': t['fails'].append(idx) elif d['result'] == 'INFO': t['infos'].append(idx) l = d['severity'].lower() if l not in t['all_by_sev']: t['all_by_sev'][l] = list() if idx not in t['all_by_sev'][l]: t['all_by_sev'][l].append(idx) tpl = Template(tpl) rendered = tpl.render(data=csv_data, totals=totals) with open('report.html', 'w') as f: f.write(rendered) print('Generated report as "report.html"') if __name__ == '__main__': run()