#!/usr/bin/liquidsoap set("log.stdout", true) set("log.file",false) %include "cross.liq" # Allow requests from Telnet (Liquidsoap Requester) set("server.telnet", true) set("server.telnet.bind_addr", "{{ liquidsoap_host }}") set("server.telnet.port", {{ liquidsoap_port }}) set("server.telnet.reverse_dns", false) # WOW's station track auto-playlist #+ randomized track playback from the playlist path #+ play a new random track each time LS performs select() #+ 90-second timeout on remote track preparation processes #+ 1.0-hour maximum file length (in case things "run away") #+ 0.5-hour default file length (in case things "run away") plist = playlist( id="playlist", length=30.0, default_duration=30.0, timeout=90.0, mode="random", reload=300, reload_mode="seconds", mime_type="audio/ogg", "{{ dir_music }}" ) # Request Queue from Telnet (Liquidsoap Requester) requests = request.queue(id="requests") # Start building the feed with music radio = plist # Add in our on-disk security radio = fallback(id="switcher",track_sensitive = true, [requests, radio, blank(duration=5.)]) # uncomment to normalize the audio stream #radio = normalize(radio) # iTunes-style (so-called "dumb" - but good enough) crossfading full = smart_crossfade(start_next=8., fade_in=6., fade_out=6., width=2., conservative=true, radio) # Add fallback full = fallback([radio, blank(duration=5.)]) output.icecast(%vorbis.cbr(samplerate=48000, channels=2, bitrate=164), host = "{{ icecast2_bind_host }}", port = {{ icecast2_bind_port }}, icy_metadata="true", description="{{ liquidsoap_description }}", password = "{{ icecast2_source_password }}", mount = "{{ icecast2_mount }}", full)