from typing import List, Optional import os import time import asyncio import random import discord import settings from import Radio from import YouTube from ircradio.factory import discord_bot as bot msg_queue = asyncio.Queue() async def message_worker(): from ircradio.factory import app while True: try: data: dict = await msg_queue.get() target = data['target'] msg = data['message'] await target.send(msg) except Exception as ex: app.logger.error(f"message_worker(): {ex}") await asyncio.sleep(0.3) def start(): bot.loop.create_task(bot.start(settings.discord_token)) async def send_message(target: str, message: str): await msg_queue.put({"target": target, "message": message}) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(bot)) @bot.event async def on_message(message): from ircradio.factory import app from ircradio.models import Ban if == bot.user: return msg = message.content if not msg.startswith(settings.discord_command_prefix): return msg = msg[len(settings.discord_command_prefix):] try: if not in settings.discord_admins: banned = if banned: return except: pass data = { "nick": str(, "target": } spl = msg.split(" ") cmd = spl[0].strip() spl = spl[1:] if cmd.endswith("+") or cmd.endswith("-"): spl.insert(0, cmd[-1]) cmd = cmd[:-1] if cmd in Commands.LOOKUP and hasattr(Commands, cmd): attr = getattr(Commands, cmd) try: await attr(*spl, **data) except Exception as ex: app.logger.error(f"message_worker(): {ex}") pass class Commands: LOOKUP = ['np', 'tune', 'boo', 'request', 'dj', 'skip', 'listeners', 'queue', 'queue_user', 'pop', 'search', 'stats', 'rename', 'ban', 'whoami', 'hello'] @staticmethod async def hello(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwards): """say hi""" hi = f"Why hello there, {nick}!" await send_message(target=target, message=hi) @staticmethod async def np(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """current song""" history = Radio.history() if not history: return await send_message(target, f"Nothing is playing?!") song = history[0] np = f"Now playing: {song.title} (rating: {song.karma}/10; submitter: {song.added_by}; id: {song.utube_id})" await send_message(target=target, message=np) @staticmethod async def tune(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """upvote song""" history = Radio.history() if not history: return await send_message(target, f"Nothing is playing?!") song = history[0] if song.karma <= 9: song.karma += 1 msg = f"Rating for \"{song.title}\" is {song.karma}/10 .. PARTY ON!!!!" await send_message(target=target, message=msg) @staticmethod async def boo(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """downvote song""" history = Radio.history() if not history: return await send_message(target, f"Nothing is playing?!") song = history[0] if song.karma >= 1: song.karma -= 1 msg = f"Rating for \"{song.title}\" is {song.karma}/10 .. BOOO!!!!" await send_message(target=target, message=msg) @staticmethod async def request(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """request a song by title or YouTube id""" from ircradio.models import Song if not args: send_message(target=target, message="usage: !request ") needle = " ".join(args) try: songs = except Exception as ex: return await send_message(target, f"{ex}") if not songs: return await send_message(target, "Not found!") if len(songs) >= 2: random.shuffle(songs) await send_message(target, "Multiple found:") for s in songs[:4]: await send_message(target, f"{s.utube_id} | {s.title}") return song = songs[0] msg = f"Added {song.title} to the queue" Radio.queue(song) return await send_message(target, msg) @staticmethod async def search(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """search for a title""" from ircradio.models import Song if not args: return await send_message(target=target, message="usage: !search ") needle = " ".join(args) songs = if not songs: return await send_message(target, "No song(s) found!") if len(songs) == 1: song = songs[0] await send_message(target, f"{song.utube_id} | {song.title}") else: random.shuffle(songs) await send_message(target, "Multiple found:") for s in songs[:4]: await send_message(target, f"{s.utube_id} | {s.title}") @staticmethod async def dj(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """add (or remove) a YouTube ID to the radiostream""" from ircradio.models import Song if not args or args[0] not in ["-", "+"]: return await send_message(target, "usage: dj+ ") add: bool = args[0] == "+" utube_id = args[1] if not YouTube.is_valid_uid(utube_id): return await send_message(target, "YouTube ID not valid.") if add: try: await send_message(target, f"Scheduled download for '{utube_id}'") song = await, added_by=nick) await send_message(target, f"'{song.title}' added") except Exception as ex: return await send_message(target, f"Download '{utube_id}' failed; {ex}") else: try: Song.delete_song(utube_id) await send_message(target, "Press F to pay respects.") except Exception as ex: await send_message(target, f"Failed to remove {utube_id}; {ex}") @staticmethod async def skip(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """skips current song""" from ircradio.factory import app try: Radio.skip() except Exception as ex: app.logger.error(f"{ex}") return await send_message(target=target, message="Error") await send_message(target, message="Song skipped. Booo! >:|") @staticmethod async def listeners(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """current amount of listeners""" from ircradio.factory import app try: listeners = await Radio.listeners() if listeners: msg = f"{listeners} client" if listeners >= 2: msg += "s" msg += " connected" return await send_message(target, msg) return await send_message(target, f"no listeners, much sad :((") except Exception as ex: app.logger.error(f"{ex}") await send_message(target=target, message="Error") @staticmethod async def queue(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """show currently queued tracks""" from ircradio.models import Song q: List[Song] = Radio.queues() if not q: return await send_message(target, "queue empty") for i, s in enumerate(q): await send_message(target, f"{s.utube_id} | {s.title}") if i >= 12: await send_message(target, "And some more...") @staticmethod async def rename(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): from ircradio.models import Song try: utube_id = args[0] title = " ".join(args[1:]) if not utube_id or not title or not YouTube.is_valid_uid(utube_id): raise Exception("bad input") except: return await send_message(target, "usage: !rename ") try: song = == utube_id).get() if not song: raise Exception("Song not found") except Exception as ex: return await send_message(target, "Song not found.") if song.added_by != nick and nick not in settings.irc_admins_nicknames: return await send_message(target, "You may only rename your own songs.") try: Song.update(title=title).where(Song.utube_id == utube_id).execute() except Exception as ex: return await send_message(target, "Rename failure.") await send_message(target, "Song renamed.") @staticmethod async def queue_user(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """queue random song by username""" from ircradio.models import Song added_by = args[0] try: q = ** f"%{added_by}%") songs = [s for s in q] except: return await send_message(target, "No results.") for i in range(0, 5): song = random.choice(songs) if Radio.queue(song): return await send_message(target, f"A random {added_by} has appeared in the queue: {song.title}") await send_message(target, "queue_user exhausted!") @staticmethod async def stats(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """random stats""" songs = 0 try: from ircradio.models import db cursor = db.execute_sql('select count(*) from song;') res = cursor.fetchone() songs = res[0] except: pass disk = os.popen(f"du -h {settings.dir_music}").read().split("\t")[0] await send_message(target, f"Songs: {songs} | Disk: {disk}") @staticmethod async def ban(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): """add (or remove) a YouTube ID ban (admins only)""" if nick not in settings.irc_admins_nicknames: await send_message(target, "You need to be an admin.") return from ircradio.models import Song, Ban if not args or args[0] not in ["-", "+"]: return await send_message(target, "usage: ban+ ") try: add: bool = args[0] == "+" arg = args[1] except: return await send_message(target, "usage: ban+ ") if add: Ban.create(utube_id_or_nick=arg) else: Ban.delete().where(Ban.utube_id_or_nick == arg).execute() await send_message(target, "Redemption") @staticmethod async def whoami(*args, target=None, nick=None, **kwargs): if nick in settings.discord_admins: await send_message(target, "admin") else: await send_message(target, "user")