#!/usr/bin/env python import owntracker.functions as lambda_functions import owntracker.config as app_config from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server from pyramid.view import view_config, view_defaults from pyramid.config import Configurator from configparser import ConfigParser from pathlib import Path # Generate routes and views and build the app def configure_app(): with Configurator() as config: # Generate simple index route config.add_route("index", "/") config.add_view( lambda_functions.index, route_name="index", renderer="json" ) # Generate routes for devices for device_name in app_config.devices: device_key = app_config.devices[device_name] config.add_route( device_name, "/device/{}".format(device_key) ) config.add_route( "{}-status".format(device_name), "/status/{}".format(device_name) ) config.add_view( lambda_functions.ingest, route_name=device_name, renderer="json" ) config.add_view( lambda_functions.status, route_name="{}-status".format(device_name), renderer="json" ) # Return the app app = config.make_wsgi_app() return app # API Gateway/Zappa function handler def generate_wsgi_app(app, environ): wsgi_app = configure_app() return wsgi_app(app, environ) # Local web server for development if __name__ == "__main__": print("[+] Starting local web server on port 8080...") server = make_server("", 8080, configure_app()) server.serve_forever()