You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
1.8 KiB

extern crate irc;
use irc::client::prelude::{Client, ClientExt, Command, IrcClient};
fn main() {
println!("[DEBUG] Connecting to IRC server...");
let client = IrcClient::new("config.toml").unwrap();
client.for_each_incoming(|im| {
if let Command::NOTICE(channel, message) = &im.command {
println!("[{:?}][{}]: {}", &im.response_target(), &channel, &message)
if let Command::PRIVMSG(channel, message) = &im.command {
let help_msg = vec![
format!("Hey there {}, here's what you can do.", &im.source_nickname().unwrap()),
"Say 'create:' to create a new listing, ie, 'create:This will be the title of your new post on the site'.".to_string(),
"Say 'delete:' to delete an existing listing, ie, 'delete:Name or ID of your post to delete'.".to_string(),
let help_msg = help_msg.join(" ");
// Print all messages
"[{}][{}]: {}",
if message.starts_with("create:") {
let _ = client.send_privmsg(
"This feature is still being worked on.",
} else if message.starts_with("delete:") {
let _ = client.send_privmsg(
"This feature is still being worked on.",
} else if message.contains("!help") {
let _ = client.send_privmsg(