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import ipfsApi
from eth_account.messages import encode_defunct
from suchwowx.models import Meme
from suchwowx.factory import w3
from suchwowx import config
def get_eth_contract():
Return a web3 contract object with the currently
deployed SuchWowX smart contract.
contract_abi = config.CONTRACT_ABI
contract_address = w3.toChecksumAddress(config.CONTRACT_ADDRESS)
return w3.eth.contract(
def verify_signature(message, signature, public_address):
msg = encode_defunct(text=message)
recovered = w3.eth.account.recover_message(msg, signature=signature)
if recovered.lower() == public_address.lower():
return True
return False
def upload_to_ipfs(meme_id: str):
meme = Meme.query.get(meme_id)
if not meme:
return False
client = ipfsApi.Client('', 5001)
artwork_hashes = client.add(meme.get_fs_path())
artwork_hash = artwork_hashes[0]['Hash']
print(f'[+] Uploaded artwork to IPFS: {artwork_hash}')
meta = {
'name': meme.title,
'description': meme.description,
'image': f'ipfs://{artwork_hash}',
'by': meme.user.handle,
'properties': {
'creator': meme.user.handle
meta_hash = client.add_json(meta)
print(f'[+] Uploaded metadata to IPFS: {meta_hash}')
return (meta_hash, artwork_hash)
except Exception as e:
print(f'[!] Error: {e}')
return False