# tubbymemes Meme site dedicated to the best project on the Etherium network ;) https://tubbycats.xyz/about Memes are backed by Interplanetary Filesystem, server federation / content sharing, and optionally Avalanche network via a smart contract with some useful features (if you're into that). It's a decentralized application (dApp); it's preferred you run it locally and bootstrap the services on your own machine. ## Setup Tools you will need: * https://ipfs.io/#install * python3 (linux os will have this) * python3-venv * https://github.com/ava-labs/avalanchego/ (optional) ### Development I have provided a `Makefile` with some helpful stuff...make sure to install `make` to use it. ``` # install python virtual environment and install application dependencies make setup # setup secrets cp env-example .env && vim .env # install ipfs sudo make install-ipfs # optional: install avalanchego make install-avax # run ipfs make run-ipfs # optional: run avalanchego make run-avax # initialize sqlite database w/ schema via alembic make init # run development server make dev # access at ``` ### Production You need a few more things: * A VPS with a decent provider * Nginx * Certbot / Letsencrypt Below is a set of commands you can follow to get setup. I used Ubuntu 20.04 on Digital Ocean. Run the below commands as root or prepend `sudo`. ``` # install nginx apt-get install nginx -y # install certbot apt-get install certbot -y # point DNS records at your VPS w/ a domain you control # generate diffie hellman keys openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem 2048 # setup nginx ssl config from this repo cp conf/nginx-ssl.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/ssl.conf # setup nginx site config from this repo cp conf/nginx-site.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/tubbymemes.conf # generate TLS certificates service nginx stop certbot certonly --standalone -d --agree-tos -m -n service nginx start # setup ipfs service account and storage location useradd -m ipfs mkdir -p /opt/ipfs chown ipfs:ipfs /opt/ipfs # setup ipfs service daemon cp conf/ipfs.service /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable ipfs systemctl start ipfs # setup tubbymemes service account and storage location useradd -m tubbymemes mkdir -p /opt/tubbymemes # setup tubbymemes application git clone https://github.com/lalanza808/tubbymemes /opt/tubbymemes cp /opt/tubbymemes/env-example /opt/tubbymemes/.env vim /opt/tubbymemes/.env chown -R tubbymemes:tubbymemes /opt/tubbymemes # setup tubbymemes service daemon cp conf/tubbymemes.service /etc/systemd/system/tubbymemes.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable tubbymemes systemctl start tubbymemes # setup ongoing syncing with remote servers and Avalanche network crontab -u tubbymemes conf/crontab ``` At this point you should have Nginx web server running with TLS certificates generated with Letsencrypt/Certbot, Systemd services for IPFS daemon for serving files and Gunicorn for serving the Flask application. You'll obviously need to update some of your configuration files to match your domain/DNS, but it's fairly trivial. Reach out on Twitter or Discord if you need support.