async function getSignedData(publicAddress, jsonData) { const signedData = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_signTypedData_v3', params: [publicAddress, JSON.stringify(jsonData)] }); console.log(signedData); return signedData } async function notif(s, t) { new Noty({ type: t, theme: 'relax', layout: 'topCenter', text: s, timeout: 4500 }).show(); return } async function confirmAvalanche(){ let debug = true; let chainId; let rpcUrl; let explorerUrl; let name; if (debug) { name = 'Avalance Testnet'; chainId = '0xA869'; rpcUrl = ''; explorerUrl = ''; } else { name = 'Avalanche Mainnet'; chainId = '0xA86A'; rpcUrl = ''; explorerUrl = ''; } try { await ethereum.request({ method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain', params: [{ chainId: chainId }], }); } catch (switchError) { // This error code indicates that the chain has not been added to MetaMask. if (switchError.code === 4902) { try { await ethereum.request({ method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain', params: [{ chainId: chainId, chainName: name, nativeCurrency: { name: 'Avalanche', symbol: 'AVAX', decimals: 18, }, rpcUrls: [rpcUrl], blockExplorerUrls: [explorerUrl], }], }); } catch (addError) { // handle "add" error } } // handle other "switch" errors } }