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const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const ERC20Decimals = artifacts.require('$ERC20DecimalsMock');
const ERC4626 = artifacts.require('$ERC4626');
const ERC4626Decimals = artifacts.require('$ERC4626DecimalsMock');
const parseToken = token => new BN(token).mul(new BN('1000000000000'));
const parseShare = share => new BN(share).mul(new BN('1000000000000000000'));
contract('ERC4626', function (accounts) {
const [holder, recipient, spender, other, user1, user2] = accounts;
const name = 'My Token';
const symbol = 'MTKN';
beforeEach(async function () {
this.token = await, symbol, 12);
this.vault = await + ' Vault', symbol + 'V', this.token.address, 18);
await this.token.$_mint(holder, web3.utils.toWei('100'));
await this.token.approve(this.vault.address, constants.MAX_UINT256, { from: holder });
await this.vault.approve(spender, constants.MAX_UINT256, { from: holder });
it('metadata', async function () {
expect(await + ' Vault');
expect(await this.vault.symbol()) + 'V');
expect(await this.vault.decimals())'18');
expect(await this.vault.asset());
it('inherit decimals if from asset', async function () {
for (const decimals of [0, 9, 12, 18, 36].map(web3.utils.toBN)) {
const token = await'', '', decimals);
const vault = await'', '', token.address);
expect(await vault.decimals());
describe('empty vault: no assets & no shares', function () {
it('status', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'0');
it('deposit', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxDeposit(holder));
expect(await this.vault.previewDeposit(parseToken(1)));
const { tx } = await this.vault.deposit(parseToken(1), recipient, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: this.vault.address,
value: parseToken(1),
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: recipient,
value: parseShare(1),
it('mint', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxMint(holder));
expect(await this.vault.previewMint(parseShare(1)));
const { tx } = await, recipient, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: this.vault.address,
value: parseToken(1),
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: recipient,
value: parseShare(1),
it('withdraw', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxWithdraw(holder))'0');
expect(await this.vault.previewWithdraw('0'))'0');
const { tx } = await this.vault.withdraw('0', recipient, holder, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: recipient,
value: '0',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: '0',
it('redeem', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxRedeem(holder))'0');
expect(await this.vault.previewRedeem('0'))'0');
const { tx } = await this.vault.redeem('0', recipient, holder, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: recipient,
value: '0',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: '0',
describe('partially empty vault: assets & no shares', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.token.$_mint(this.vault.address, parseToken(1)); // 1 token
it('status', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets());
it('deposit', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxDeposit(holder));
expect(await this.vault.previewDeposit(parseToken(1)));
const { tx } = await this.vault.deposit(parseToken(1), recipient, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: this.vault.address,
value: parseToken(1),
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: recipient,
value: parseShare(1),
it('mint', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxMint(holder));
expect(await this.vault.previewMint(parseShare(1)));
const { tx } = await, recipient, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: this.vault.address,
value: parseToken(1),
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: recipient,
value: parseShare(1),
it('withdraw', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxWithdraw(holder))'0');
expect(await this.vault.previewWithdraw('0'))'0');
const { tx } = await this.vault.withdraw('0', recipient, holder, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: recipient,
value: '0',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: '0',
it('redeem', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxRedeem(holder))'0');
expect(await this.vault.previewRedeem('0'))'0');
const { tx } = await this.vault.redeem('0', recipient, holder, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: recipient,
value: '0',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: '0',
describe('partially empty vault: shares & no assets', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.vault.$_mint(holder, parseShare(1)); // 1 share
it('status', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'0');
it('deposit', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxDeposit(holder))'0');
// Can deposit 0 (max deposit)
const { tx } = await this.vault.deposit(0, recipient, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: this.vault.address,
value: 0,
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: recipient,
value: 0,
// Cannot deposit more than 0
await expectRevert.unspecified(this.vault.previewDeposit(parseToken(1)));
await expectRevert(
this.vault.deposit(parseToken(1), recipient, { from: holder }),
'ERC4626: deposit more than max',
it('mint', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxMint(holder));
expect(await this.vault.previewMint(parseShare(1)))'0');
const { tx } = await, recipient, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: this.vault.address,
value: '0',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: recipient,
value: parseShare(1),
it('withdraw', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxWithdraw(holder))'0');
expect(await this.vault.previewWithdraw('0'))'0');
await expectRevert.unspecified(this.vault.previewWithdraw('1'));
const { tx } = await this.vault.withdraw('0', recipient, holder, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: recipient,
value: '0',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: '0',
it('redeem', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxRedeem(holder));
expect(await this.vault.previewRedeem(parseShare(1)))'0');
const { tx } = await this.vault.redeem(parseShare(1), recipient, holder, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: recipient,
value: '0',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: parseShare(1),
describe('full vault: assets & shares', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.token.$_mint(this.vault.address, parseToken(1)); // 1 tokens
await this.vault.$_mint(holder, parseShare(100)); // 100 share
it('status', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets());
it('deposit', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxDeposit(holder));
expect(await this.vault.previewDeposit(parseToken(1)));
const { tx } = await this.vault.deposit(parseToken(1), recipient, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: this.vault.address,
value: parseToken(1),
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: recipient,
value: parseShare(100),
it('mint', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxMint(holder));
expect(await this.vault.previewMint(parseShare(1)));
const { tx } = await, recipient, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: this.vault.address,
value: parseToken(1).divn(100),
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: recipient,
value: parseShare(1),
it('withdraw', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxWithdraw(holder));
expect(await this.vault.previewWithdraw(parseToken(1)));
const { tx } = await this.vault.withdraw(parseToken(1), recipient, holder, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: recipient,
value: parseToken(1),
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: parseShare(100),
it('withdraw with approval', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.vault.withdraw(parseToken(1), recipient, holder, { from: other }),
'ERC20: insufficient allowance',
await this.vault.withdraw(parseToken(1), recipient, holder, { from: spender });
it('redeem', async function () {
expect(await this.vault.maxRedeem(holder));
expect(await this.vault.previewRedeem(parseShare(100)));
const { tx } = await this.vault.redeem(parseShare(100), recipient, holder, { from: holder });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: recipient,
value: parseToken(1),
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: holder,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: parseShare(100),
it('redeem with approval', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.vault.redeem(parseShare(100), recipient, holder, { from: other }),
'ERC20: insufficient allowance',
await this.vault.redeem(parseShare(100), recipient, holder, { from: spender });
/// Scenario inspired by solmate ERC4626 tests:
it('multiple mint, deposit, redeem & withdrawal', async function () {
// test designed with both asset using similar decimals
this.token = await, symbol, 18);
this.vault = await + ' Vault', symbol + 'V', this.token.address);
await this.token.$_mint(user1, 4000);
await this.token.$_mint(user2, 7001);
await this.token.approve(this.vault.address, 4000, { from: user1 });
await this.token.approve(this.vault.address, 7001, { from: user2 });
// 1. Alice mints 2000 shares (costs 2000 tokens)
const { tx } = await, user1, { from: user1 });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: user1,
to: this.vault.address,
value: '2000',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: user1,
value: '2000',
expect(await this.vault.previewDeposit(2000))'2000');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1))'2000');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2))'0');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1)))'2000');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2)))'0');
expect(await this.vault.totalSupply())'2000');
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'2000');
// 2. Bob deposits 4000 tokens (mints 4000 shares)
const { tx } = await, user2, { from: user2 });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: user2,
to: this.vault.address,
value: '4000',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: user2,
value: '4000',
expect(await this.vault.previewDeposit(4000))'4000');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1))'2000');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2))'4000');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1)))'2000');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2)))'4000');
expect(await this.vault.totalSupply())'6000');
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'6000');
// 3. Vault mutates by +3000 tokens (simulated yield returned from strategy)
await this.token.$_mint(this.vault.address, 3000);
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1))'2000');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2))'4000');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1)))'3000');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2)))'6000');
expect(await this.vault.totalSupply())'6000');
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'9000');
// 4. Alice deposits 2000 tokens (mints 1333 shares)
const { tx } = await this.vault.deposit(2000, user1, { from: user1 });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: user1,
to: this.vault.address,
value: '2000',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: user1,
value: '1333',
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1))'3333');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2))'4000');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1)))'4999');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2)))'6000');
expect(await this.vault.totalSupply())'7333');
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'11000');
// 5. Bob mints 2000 shares (costs 3001 assets)
// NOTE: Bob's assets spent got rounded up
// NOTE: Alices's vault assets got rounded up
const { tx } = await, user2, { from: user2 });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: user2,
to: this.vault.address,
value: '3001',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
to: user2,
value: '2000',
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1))'3333');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2))'6000');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1)))'5000');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2)))'9000');
expect(await this.vault.totalSupply())'9333');
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'14001');
// 6. Vault mutates by +3000 tokens
// NOTE: Vault holds 17001 tokens, but sum of assetsOf() is 17000.
await this.token.$_mint(this.vault.address, 3000);
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1))'3333');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2))'6000');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1)))'6071');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2)))'10929');
expect(await this.vault.totalSupply())'9333');
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'17001');
// 7. Alice redeem 1333 shares (2428 assets)
const { tx } = await this.vault.redeem(1333, user1, user1, { from: user1 });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: user1,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: '1333',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: user1,
value: '2428',
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1))'2000');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2))'6000');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1)))'3643');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2)))'10929');
expect(await this.vault.totalSupply())'8000');
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'14573');
// 8. Bob withdraws 2929 assets (1608 shares)
const { tx } = await this.vault.withdraw(2929, user2, user2, { from: user2 });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: user2,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: '1608',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: user2,
value: '2929',
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1))'2000');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2))'4392');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1)))'3643');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2)))'8000');
expect(await this.vault.totalSupply())'6392');
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'11644');
// 9. Alice withdraws 3643 assets (2000 shares)
// NOTE: Bob's assets have been rounded back up
const { tx } = await this.vault.withdraw(3643, user1, user1, { from: user1 });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: user1,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: '2000',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: user1,
value: '3643',
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1))'0');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2))'4392');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1)))'0');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2)))'8001');
expect(await this.vault.totalSupply())'4392');
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'8001');
// 10. Bob redeem 4392 shares (8001 tokens)
const { tx } = await this.vault.redeem(4392, user2, user2, { from: user2 });
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.vault, 'Transfer', {
from: user2,
to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
value: '4392',
expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', {
from: this.vault.address,
to: user2,
value: '8001',
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1))'0');
expect(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2))'0');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user1)))'0');
expect(await this.vault.convertToAssets(await this.vault.balanceOf(user2)))'0');
expect(await this.vault.totalSupply())'0');
expect(await this.vault.totalAssets())'0');