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const { expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { shouldSupportInterfaces } = require('../utils/introspection/SupportsInterface.behavior');
const DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const ROLE = web3.utils.soliditySha3('ROLE');
const OTHER_ROLE = web3.utils.soliditySha3('OTHER_ROLE');
function shouldBehaveLikeAccessControl(errorPrefix, admin, authorized, other, otherAdmin) {
describe('default admin', function () {
it('deployer has default admin role', async function () {
expect(await this.accessControl.hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, admin)).to.equal(true);
it("other roles's admin is the default admin role", async function () {
expect(await this.accessControl.getRoleAdmin(ROLE)).to.equal(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE);
it("default admin role's admin is itself", async function () {
expect(await this.accessControl.getRoleAdmin(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)).to.equal(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE);
describe('granting', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
it('non-admin cannot grant role to other accounts', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: other }),
`${errorPrefix}: account ${other.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE}`,
it('accounts can be granted a role multiple times', async function () {
await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
const receipt = await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'RoleGranted');
describe('revoking', function () {
it('roles that are not had can be revoked', async function () {
expect(await this.accessControl.hasRole(ROLE, authorized)).to.equal(false);
const receipt = await this.accessControl.revokeRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'RoleRevoked');
context('with granted role', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
it('admin can revoke role', async function () {
const receipt = await this.accessControl.revokeRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleRevoked', { account: authorized, role: ROLE, sender: admin });
expect(await this.accessControl.hasRole(ROLE, authorized)).to.equal(false);
it('non-admin cannot revoke role', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.accessControl.revokeRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: other }),
`${errorPrefix}: account ${other.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE}`,
it('a role can be revoked multiple times', async function () {
await this.accessControl.revokeRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
const receipt = await this.accessControl.revokeRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'RoleRevoked');
describe('renouncing', function () {
it('roles that are not had can be renounced', async function () {
const receipt = await this.accessControl.renounceRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: authorized });
expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'RoleRevoked');
context('with granted role', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
it('bearer can renounce role', async function () {
const receipt = await this.accessControl.renounceRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: authorized });
expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleRevoked', { account: authorized, role: ROLE, sender: authorized });
expect(await this.accessControl.hasRole(ROLE, authorized)).to.equal(false);
it('only the sender can renounce their roles', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.accessControl.renounceRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin }),
`${errorPrefix}: can only renounce roles for self`,
it('a role can be renounced multiple times', async function () {
await this.accessControl.renounceRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: authorized });
const receipt = await this.accessControl.renounceRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: authorized });
expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'RoleRevoked');
describe('setting role admin', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
const receipt = await this.accessControl.$_setRoleAdmin(ROLE, OTHER_ROLE);
expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleAdminChanged', {
role: ROLE,
previousAdminRole: DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE,
newAdminRole: OTHER_ROLE,
await this.accessControl.grantRole(OTHER_ROLE, otherAdmin, { from: admin });
it("a role's admin role can be changed", async function () {
expect(await this.accessControl.getRoleAdmin(ROLE)).to.equal(OTHER_ROLE);
it('the new admin can grant roles', async function () {
const receipt = await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: otherAdmin });
expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleGranted', { account: authorized, role: ROLE, sender: otherAdmin });
it('the new admin can revoke roles', async function () {
await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: otherAdmin });
const receipt = await this.accessControl.revokeRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: otherAdmin });
expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleRevoked', { account: authorized, role: ROLE, sender: otherAdmin });
it("a role's previous admins no longer grant roles", async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin }),
`${errorPrefix}: account ${admin.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${OTHER_ROLE}`,
it("a role's previous admins no longer revoke roles", async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.accessControl.revokeRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin }),
`${errorPrefix}: account ${admin.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${OTHER_ROLE}`,
describe('onlyRole modifier', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
it('do not revert if sender has role', async function () {
await this.accessControl.methods['$_checkRole(bytes32)'](ROLE, { from: authorized });
it("revert if sender doesn't have role #1", async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.accessControl.methods['$_checkRole(bytes32)'](ROLE, { from: other }),
`${errorPrefix}: account ${other.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${ROLE}`,
it("revert if sender doesn't have role #2", async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.accessControl.methods['$_checkRole(bytes32)'](OTHER_ROLE, { from: authorized }),
`${errorPrefix}: account ${authorized.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${OTHER_ROLE}`,
function shouldBehaveLikeAccessControlEnumerable(errorPrefix, admin, authorized, other, otherAdmin, otherAuthorized) {
describe('enumerating', function () {
it('role bearers can be enumerated', async function () {
await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, authorized, { from: admin });
await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, other, { from: admin });
await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, otherAuthorized, { from: admin });
await this.accessControl.revokeRole(ROLE, other, { from: admin });
const memberCount = await this.accessControl.getRoleMemberCount(ROLE);
const bearers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < memberCount; ++i) {
bearers.push(await this.accessControl.getRoleMember(ROLE, i));
expect(bearers).to.have.members([authorized, otherAuthorized]);
it('role enumeration should be in sync after renounceRole call', async function () {
expect(await this.accessControl.getRoleMemberCount(ROLE)).to.bignumber.equal('0');
await this.accessControl.grantRole(ROLE, admin, { from: admin });
expect(await this.accessControl.getRoleMemberCount(ROLE)).to.bignumber.equal('1');
await this.accessControl.renounceRole(ROLE, admin, { from: admin });
expect(await this.accessControl.getRoleMemberCount(ROLE)).to.bignumber.equal('0');
module.exports = {