/* eslint-disable */ const { BN, expectEvent, time } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { getChainId } = require('../../../helpers/chainid'); const { shouldBehaveLikeVotes } = require('../../../governance/utils/Votes.behavior'); const ERC721Votes = artifacts.require('$ERC721Votes'); contract('ERC721Votes', function (accounts) { const [account1, account2, account1Delegatee, other1, other2] = accounts; const name = 'My Vote'; const symbol = 'MTKN'; beforeEach(async function () { this.chainId = await getChainId(); this.votes = await ERC721Votes.new(name, symbol, name, '1'); this.NFT0 = new BN('10000000000000000000000000'); this.NFT1 = new BN('10'); this.NFT2 = new BN('20'); this.NFT3 = new BN('30'); }); describe('balanceOf', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.votes.$_mint(account1, this.NFT0); await this.votes.$_mint(account1, this.NFT1); await this.votes.$_mint(account1, this.NFT2); await this.votes.$_mint(account1, this.NFT3); }); it('grants to initial account', async function () { expect(await this.votes.balanceOf(account1)).to.be.bignumber.equal('4'); }); }); describe('transfers', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.votes.$_mint(account1, this.NFT0); }); it('no delegation', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.votes.transferFrom(account1, account2, this.NFT0, { from: account1 }); expectEvent(receipt, 'Transfer', { from: account1, to: account2, tokenId: this.NFT0 }); expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'DelegateVotesChanged'); this.account1Votes = '0'; this.account2Votes = '0'; }); it('sender delegation', async function () { await this.votes.delegate(account1, { from: account1 }); const { receipt } = await this.votes.transferFrom(account1, account2, this.NFT0, { from: account1 }); expectEvent(receipt, 'Transfer', { from: account1, to: account2, tokenId: this.NFT0 }); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateVotesChanged', { delegate: account1, previousBalance: '1', newBalance: '0' }); const { logIndex: transferLogIndex } = receipt.logs.find(({ event }) => event == 'Transfer'); expect( receipt.logs .filter(({ event }) => event == 'DelegateVotesChanged') .every(({ logIndex }) => transferLogIndex < logIndex), ).to.be.equal(true); this.account1Votes = '0'; this.account2Votes = '0'; }); it('receiver delegation', async function () { await this.votes.delegate(account2, { from: account2 }); const { receipt } = await this.votes.transferFrom(account1, account2, this.NFT0, { from: account1 }); expectEvent(receipt, 'Transfer', { from: account1, to: account2, tokenId: this.NFT0 }); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateVotesChanged', { delegate: account2, previousBalance: '0', newBalance: '1' }); const { logIndex: transferLogIndex } = receipt.logs.find(({ event }) => event == 'Transfer'); expect( receipt.logs .filter(({ event }) => event == 'DelegateVotesChanged') .every(({ logIndex }) => transferLogIndex < logIndex), ).to.be.equal(true); this.account1Votes = '0'; this.account2Votes = '1'; }); it('full delegation', async function () { await this.votes.delegate(account1, { from: account1 }); await this.votes.delegate(account2, { from: account2 }); const { receipt } = await this.votes.transferFrom(account1, account2, this.NFT0, { from: account1 }); expectEvent(receipt, 'Transfer', { from: account1, to: account2, tokenId: this.NFT0 }); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateVotesChanged', { delegate: account1, previousBalance: '1', newBalance: '0' }); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateVotesChanged', { delegate: account2, previousBalance: '0', newBalance: '1' }); const { logIndex: transferLogIndex } = receipt.logs.find(({ event }) => event == 'Transfer'); expect( receipt.logs .filter(({ event }) => event == 'DelegateVotesChanged') .every(({ logIndex }) => transferLogIndex < logIndex), ).to.be.equal(true); this.account1Votes = '0'; this.account2Votes = '1'; }); it('returns the same total supply on transfers', async function () { await this.votes.delegate(account1, { from: account1 }); const { receipt } = await this.votes.transferFrom(account1, account2, this.NFT0, { from: account1 }); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(receipt.blockNumber - 1)).to.be.bignumber.equal('1'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(receipt.blockNumber + 1)).to.be.bignumber.equal('1'); this.account1Votes = '0'; this.account2Votes = '0'; }); it('generally returns the voting balance at the appropriate checkpoint', async function () { await this.votes.$_mint(account1, this.NFT1); await this.votes.$_mint(account1, this.NFT2); await this.votes.$_mint(account1, this.NFT3); const total = await this.votes.balanceOf(account1); const t1 = await this.votes.delegate(other1, { from: account1 }); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); const t2 = await this.votes.transferFrom(account1, other2, this.NFT0, { from: account1 }); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); const t3 = await this.votes.transferFrom(account1, other2, this.NFT2, { from: account1 }); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); const t4 = await this.votes.transferFrom(other2, account1, this.NFT2, { from: other2 }); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(other1, t1.receipt.blockNumber - 1)).to.be.bignumber.equal('0'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(other1, t1.receipt.blockNumber)).to.be.bignumber.equal(total); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(other1, t1.receipt.blockNumber + 1)).to.be.bignumber.equal(total); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(other1, t2.receipt.blockNumber)).to.be.bignumber.equal('3'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(other1, t2.receipt.blockNumber + 1)).to.be.bignumber.equal('3'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(other1, t3.receipt.blockNumber)).to.be.bignumber.equal('2'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(other1, t3.receipt.blockNumber + 1)).to.be.bignumber.equal('2'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(other1, t4.receipt.blockNumber)).to.be.bignumber.equal('3'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(other1, t4.receipt.blockNumber + 1)).to.be.bignumber.equal('3'); this.account1Votes = '0'; this.account2Votes = '0'; }); afterEach(async function () { expect(await this.votes.getVotes(account1)).to.be.bignumber.equal(this.account1Votes); expect(await this.votes.getVotes(account2)).to.be.bignumber.equal(this.account2Votes); // need to advance 2 blocks to see the effect of a transfer on "getPastVotes" const blockNumber = await time.latestBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(account1, blockNumber)).to.be.bignumber.equal(this.account1Votes); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(account2, blockNumber)).to.be.bignumber.equal(this.account2Votes); }); }); describe('Voting workflow', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.account1 = account1; this.account1Delegatee = account1Delegatee; this.account2 = account2; this.name = 'My Vote'; }); shouldBehaveLikeVotes(); }); });