// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.8.0) (token/ERC777/ERC777.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "./IERC777.sol"; import "./IERC777Recipient.sol"; import "./IERC777Sender.sol"; import "../ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import "../../utils/Address.sol"; import "../../utils/Context.sol"; import "../../utils/introspection/IERC1820Registry.sol"; /** * @dev Implementation of the {IERC777} interface. * * This implementation is agnostic to the way tokens are created. This means * that a supply mechanism has to be added in a derived contract using {_mint}. * * Support for ERC20 is included in this contract, as specified by the EIP: both * the ERC777 and ERC20 interfaces can be safely used when interacting with it. * Both {IERC777-Sent} and {IERC20-Transfer} events are emitted on token * movements. * * Additionally, the {IERC777-granularity} value is hard-coded to `1`, meaning that there * are no special restrictions in the amount of tokens that created, moved, or * destroyed. This makes integration with ERC20 applications seamless. */ contract ERC777 is Context, IERC777, IERC20 { using Address for address; IERC1820Registry internal constant _ERC1820_REGISTRY = IERC1820Registry(0x1820a4B7618BdE71Dce8cdc73aAB6C95905faD24); mapping(address => uint256) private _balances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; bytes32 private constant _TOKENS_SENDER_INTERFACE_HASH = keccak256("ERC777TokensSender"); bytes32 private constant _TOKENS_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE_HASH = keccak256("ERC777TokensRecipient"); // This isn't ever read from - it's only used to respond to the defaultOperators query. address[] private _defaultOperatorsArray; // Immutable, but accounts may revoke them (tracked in __revokedDefaultOperators). mapping(address => bool) private _defaultOperators; // For each account, a mapping of its operators and revoked default operators. mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) private _operators; mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) private _revokedDefaultOperators; // ERC20-allowances mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) private _allowances; /** * @dev `defaultOperators` may be an empty array. */ constructor(string memory name_, string memory symbol_, address[] memory defaultOperators_) { _name = name_; _symbol = symbol_; _defaultOperatorsArray = defaultOperators_; for (uint256 i = 0; i < defaultOperators_.length; i++) { _defaultOperators[defaultOperators_[i]] = true; } // register interfaces _ERC1820_REGISTRY.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), keccak256("ERC777Token"), address(this)); _ERC1820_REGISTRY.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), keccak256("ERC20Token"), address(this)); } /** * @dev See {IERC777-name}. */ function name() public view virtual override returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev See {IERC777-symbol}. */ function symbol() public view virtual override returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev See {ERC20-decimals}. * * Always returns 18, as per the * [ERC777 EIP](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-777#backward-compatibility). */ function decimals() public pure virtual returns (uint8) { return 18; } /** * @dev See {IERC777-granularity}. * * This implementation always returns `1`. */ function granularity() public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return 1; } /** * @dev See {IERC777-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view virtual override(IERC20, IERC777) returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by an account (`tokenHolder`). */ function balanceOf(address tokenHolder) public view virtual override(IERC20, IERC777) returns (uint256) { return _balances[tokenHolder]; } /** * @dev See {IERC777-send}. * * Also emits a {IERC20-Transfer} event for ERC20 compatibility. */ function send(address recipient, uint256 amount, bytes memory data) public virtual override { _send(_msgSender(), recipient, amount, data, "", true); } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Unlike `send`, `recipient` is _not_ required to implement the {IERC777Recipient} * interface if it is a contract. * * Also emits a {Sent} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _send(_msgSender(), recipient, amount, "", "", false); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC777-burn}. * * Also emits a {IERC20-Transfer} event for ERC20 compatibility. */ function burn(uint256 amount, bytes memory data) public virtual override { _burn(_msgSender(), amount, data, ""); } /** * @dev See {IERC777-isOperatorFor}. */ function isOperatorFor(address operator, address tokenHolder) public view virtual override returns (bool) { return operator == tokenHolder || (_defaultOperators[operator] && !_revokedDefaultOperators[tokenHolder][operator]) || _operators[tokenHolder][operator]; } /** * @dev See {IERC777-authorizeOperator}. */ function authorizeOperator(address operator) public virtual override { require(_msgSender() != operator, "ERC777: authorizing self as operator"); if (_defaultOperators[operator]) { delete _revokedDefaultOperators[_msgSender()][operator]; } else { _operators[_msgSender()][operator] = true; } emit AuthorizedOperator(operator, _msgSender()); } /** * @dev See {IERC777-revokeOperator}. */ function revokeOperator(address operator) public virtual override { require(operator != _msgSender(), "ERC777: revoking self as operator"); if (_defaultOperators[operator]) { _revokedDefaultOperators[_msgSender()][operator] = true; } else { delete _operators[_msgSender()][operator]; } emit RevokedOperator(operator, _msgSender()); } /** * @dev See {IERC777-defaultOperators}. */ function defaultOperators() public view virtual override returns (address[] memory) { return _defaultOperatorsArray; } /** * @dev See {IERC777-operatorSend}. * * Emits {Sent} and {IERC20-Transfer} events. */ function operatorSend( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount, bytes memory data, bytes memory operatorData ) public virtual override { require(isOperatorFor(_msgSender(), sender), "ERC777: caller is not an operator for holder"); _send(sender, recipient, amount, data, operatorData, true); } /** * @dev See {IERC777-operatorBurn}. * * Emits {Burned} and {IERC20-Transfer} events. */ function operatorBurn( address account, uint256 amount, bytes memory data, bytes memory operatorData ) public virtual override { require(isOperatorFor(_msgSender(), account), "ERC777: caller is not an operator for holder"); _burn(account, amount, data, operatorData); } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. * * Note that operator and allowance concepts are orthogonal: operators may * not have allowance, and accounts with allowance may not be operators * themselves. */ function allowance(address holder, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[holder][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * NOTE: If `value` is the maximum `uint256`, the allowance is not updated on * `transferFrom`. This is semantically equivalent to an infinite approval. * * Note that accounts cannot have allowance issued by their operators. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public virtual override returns (bool) { address holder = _msgSender(); _approve(holder, spender, value); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * NOTE: Does not update the allowance if the current allowance * is the maximum `uint256`. * * Note that operator and allowance concepts are orthogonal: operators cannot * call `transferFrom` (unless they have allowance), and accounts with * allowance cannot call `operatorSend` (unless they are operators). * * Emits {Sent}, {IERC20-Transfer} and {IERC20-Approval} events. */ function transferFrom(address holder, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { address spender = _msgSender(); _spendAllowance(holder, spender, amount); _send(holder, recipient, amount, "", "", false); return true; } /** * @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * If a send hook is registered for `account`, the corresponding function * will be called with the caller address as the `operator` and with * `userData` and `operatorData`. * * See {IERC777Sender} and {IERC777Recipient}. * * Emits {Minted} and {IERC20-Transfer} events. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - if `account` is a contract, it must implement the {IERC777Recipient} * interface. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount, bytes memory userData, bytes memory operatorData) internal virtual { _mint(account, amount, userData, operatorData, true); } /** * @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * If `requireReceptionAck` is set to true, and if a send hook is * registered for `account`, the corresponding function will be called with * `operator`, `data` and `operatorData`. * * See {IERC777Sender} and {IERC777Recipient}. * * Emits {Minted} and {IERC20-Transfer} events. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - if `account` is a contract, it must implement the {IERC777Recipient} * interface. */ function _mint( address account, uint256 amount, bytes memory userData, bytes memory operatorData, bool requireReceptionAck ) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC777: mint to the zero address"); address operator = _msgSender(); _beforeTokenTransfer(operator, address(0), account, amount); // Update state variables _totalSupply += amount; _balances[account] += amount; _callTokensReceived(operator, address(0), account, amount, userData, operatorData, requireReceptionAck); emit Minted(operator, account, amount, userData, operatorData); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Send tokens * @param from address token holder address * @param to address recipient address * @param amount uint256 amount of tokens to transfer * @param userData bytes extra information provided by the token holder (if any) * @param operatorData bytes extra information provided by the operator (if any) * @param requireReceptionAck if true, contract recipients are required to implement ERC777TokensRecipient */ function _send( address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes memory userData, bytes memory operatorData, bool requireReceptionAck ) internal virtual { require(from != address(0), "ERC777: transfer from the zero address"); require(to != address(0), "ERC777: transfer to the zero address"); address operator = _msgSender(); _callTokensToSend(operator, from, to, amount, userData, operatorData); _move(operator, from, to, amount, userData, operatorData); _callTokensReceived(operator, from, to, amount, userData, operatorData, requireReceptionAck); } /** * @dev Burn tokens * @param from address token holder address * @param amount uint256 amount of tokens to burn * @param data bytes extra information provided by the token holder * @param operatorData bytes extra information provided by the operator (if any) */ function _burn(address from, uint256 amount, bytes memory data, bytes memory operatorData) internal virtual { require(from != address(0), "ERC777: burn from the zero address"); address operator = _msgSender(); _callTokensToSend(operator, from, address(0), amount, data, operatorData); _beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, address(0), amount); // Update state variables uint256 fromBalance = _balances[from]; require(fromBalance >= amount, "ERC777: burn amount exceeds balance"); unchecked { _balances[from] = fromBalance - amount; } _totalSupply -= amount; emit Burned(operator, from, amount, data, operatorData); emit Transfer(from, address(0), amount); } function _move( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes memory userData, bytes memory operatorData ) private { _beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, amount); uint256 fromBalance = _balances[from]; require(fromBalance >= amount, "ERC777: transfer amount exceeds balance"); unchecked { _balances[from] = fromBalance - amount; } _balances[to] += amount; emit Sent(operator, from, to, amount, userData, operatorData); emit Transfer(from, to, amount); } /** * @dev See {ERC20-_approve}. * * Note that accounts cannot have allowance issued by their operators. */ function _approve(address holder, address spender, uint256 value) internal virtual { require(holder != address(0), "ERC777: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC777: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[holder][spender] = value; emit Approval(holder, spender, value); } /** * @dev Call from.tokensToSend() if the interface is registered * @param operator address operator requesting the transfer * @param from address token holder address * @param to address recipient address * @param amount uint256 amount of tokens to transfer * @param userData bytes extra information provided by the token holder (if any) * @param operatorData bytes extra information provided by the operator (if any) */ function _callTokensToSend( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes memory userData, bytes memory operatorData ) private { address implementer = _ERC1820_REGISTRY.getInterfaceImplementer(from, _TOKENS_SENDER_INTERFACE_HASH); if (implementer != address(0)) { IERC777Sender(implementer).tokensToSend(operator, from, to, amount, userData, operatorData); } } /** * @dev Call to.tokensReceived() if the interface is registered. Reverts if the recipient is a contract but * tokensReceived() was not registered for the recipient * @param operator address operator requesting the transfer * @param from address token holder address * @param to address recipient address * @param amount uint256 amount of tokens to transfer * @param userData bytes extra information provided by the token holder (if any) * @param operatorData bytes extra information provided by the operator (if any) * @param requireReceptionAck if true, contract recipients are required to implement ERC777TokensRecipient */ function _callTokensReceived( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes memory userData, bytes memory operatorData, bool requireReceptionAck ) private { address implementer = _ERC1820_REGISTRY.getInterfaceImplementer(to, _TOKENS_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE_HASH); if (implementer != address(0)) { IERC777Recipient(implementer).tokensReceived(operator, from, to, amount, userData, operatorData); } else if (requireReceptionAck) { require(!to.isContract(), "ERC777: token recipient contract has no implementer for ERC777TokensRecipient"); } } /** * @dev Updates `owner` s allowance for `spender` based on spent `amount`. * * Does not update the allowance amount in case of infinite allowance. * Revert if not enough allowance is available. * * Might emit an {IERC20-Approval} event. */ function _spendAllowance(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { uint256 currentAllowance = allowance(owner, spender); if (currentAllowance != type(uint256).max) { require(currentAllowance >= amount, "ERC777: insufficient allowance"); unchecked { _approve(owner, spender, currentAllowance - amount); } } } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any token transfer. This includes * calls to {send}, {transfer}, {operatorSend}, minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual {} }