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1 year ago
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
import "../src/Test.sol";
contract StdUtilsTest is Test {
function testBound() public {
assertEq(bound(uint256(5), 0, 4), 0);
assertEq(bound(uint256(0), 69, 69), 69);
assertEq(bound(uint256(0), 68, 69), 68);
assertEq(bound(uint256(10), 150, 190), 174);
assertEq(bound(uint256(300), 2800, 3200), 3107);
assertEq(bound(uint256(9999), 1337, 6666), 4669);
function testBound_WithinRange() public {
assertEq(bound(uint256(51), 50, 150), 51);
assertEq(bound(uint256(51), 50, 150), bound(bound(uint256(51), 50, 150), 50, 150));
assertEq(bound(uint256(149), 50, 150), 149);
assertEq(bound(uint256(149), 50, 150), bound(bound(uint256(149), 50, 150), 50, 150));
function testBound_EdgeCoverage() public {
assertEq(bound(uint256(0), 50, 150), 50);
assertEq(bound(uint256(1), 50, 150), 51);
assertEq(bound(uint256(2), 50, 150), 52);
assertEq(bound(uint256(3), 50, 150), 53);
assertEq(bound(type(uint256).max, 50, 150), 150);
assertEq(bound(type(uint256).max - 1, 50, 150), 149);
assertEq(bound(type(uint256).max - 2, 50, 150), 148);
assertEq(bound(type(uint256).max - 3, 50, 150), 147);
function testBound_DistributionIsEven(uint256 min, uint256 size) public {
size = size % 100 + 1;
min = bound(min, UINT256_MAX / 2, UINT256_MAX / 2 + size);
uint256 max = min + size - 1;
uint256 result;
for (uint256 i = 1; i <= size * 4; ++i) {
// x > max
result = bound(max + i, min, max);
assertEq(result, min + (i - 1) % size);
// x < min
result = bound(min - i, min, max);
assertEq(result, max - (i - 1) % size);
function testBound(uint256 num, uint256 min, uint256 max) public {
if (min > max) (min, max) = (max, min);
uint256 result = bound(num, min, max);
assertGe(result, min);
assertLe(result, max);
assertEq(result, bound(result, min, max));
if (num >= min && num <= max) assertEq(result, num);
function testBoundUint256Max() public {
assertEq(bound(0, type(uint256).max - 1, type(uint256).max), type(uint256).max - 1);
assertEq(bound(1, type(uint256).max - 1, type(uint256).max), type(uint256).max);
function testCannotBoundMaxLessThanMin() public {
vm.expectRevert(bytes("StdUtils bound(uint256,uint256,uint256): Max is less than min."));
bound(uint256(5), 100, 10);
function testCannotBoundMaxLessThanMin(uint256 num, uint256 min, uint256 max) public {
vm.assume(min > max);
vm.expectRevert(bytes("StdUtils bound(uint256,uint256,uint256): Max is less than min."));
bound(num, min, max);
function testBoundInt() public {
assertEq(bound(-3, 0, 4), 2);
assertEq(bound(0, -69, -69), -69);
assertEq(bound(0, -69, -68), -68);
assertEq(bound(-10, 150, 190), 154);
assertEq(bound(-300, 2800, 3200), 2908);
assertEq(bound(9999, -1337, 6666), 1995);
function testBoundInt_WithinRange() public {
assertEq(bound(51, -50, 150), 51);
assertEq(bound(51, -50, 150), bound(bound(51, -50, 150), -50, 150));
assertEq(bound(149, -50, 150), 149);
assertEq(bound(149, -50, 150), bound(bound(149, -50, 150), -50, 150));
function testBoundInt_EdgeCoverage() public {
assertEq(bound(type(int256).min, -50, 150), -50);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 1, -50, 150), -49);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 2, -50, 150), -48);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 3, -50, 150), -47);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).min, 10, 150), 10);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 1, 10, 150), 11);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 2, 10, 150), 12);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 3, 10, 150), 13);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).max, -50, 150), 150);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 1, -50, 150), 149);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 2, -50, 150), 148);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 3, -50, 150), 147);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).max, -50, -10), -10);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 1, -50, -10), -11);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 2, -50, -10), -12);
assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 3, -50, -10), -13);
function testBoundInt_DistributionIsEven(int256 min, uint256 size) public {
size = size % 100 + 1;
min = bound(min, -int256(size / 2), int256(size - size / 2));
int256 max = min + int256(size) - 1;
int256 result;
for (uint256 i = 1; i <= size * 4; ++i) {
// x > max
result = bound(max + int256(i), min, max);
assertEq(result, min + int256((i - 1) % size));
// x < min
result = bound(min - int256(i), min, max);
assertEq(result, max - int256((i - 1) % size));
function testBoundInt(int256 num, int256 min, int256 max) public {
if (min > max) (min, max) = (max, min);
int256 result = bound(num, min, max);
assertGe(result, min);
assertLe(result, max);
assertEq(result, bound(result, min, max));
if (num >= min && num <= max) assertEq(result, num);
function testBoundIntInt256Max() public {
assertEq(bound(0, type(int256).max - 1, type(int256).max), type(int256).max - 1);
assertEq(bound(1, type(int256).max - 1, type(int256).max), type(int256).max);
function testBoundIntInt256Min() public {
assertEq(bound(0, type(int256).min, type(int256).min + 1), type(int256).min);
assertEq(bound(1, type(int256).min, type(int256).min + 1), type(int256).min + 1);
function testCannotBoundIntMaxLessThanMin() public {
vm.expectRevert(bytes("StdUtils bound(int256,int256,int256): Max is less than min."));
bound(-5, 100, 10);
function testCannotBoundIntMaxLessThanMin(int256 num, int256 min, int256 max) public {
vm.assume(min > max);
vm.expectRevert(bytes("StdUtils bound(int256,int256,int256): Max is less than min."));
bound(num, min, max);
function testGenerateCreateAddress() external {
address deployer = 0x6C9FC64A53c1b71FB3f9Af64d1ae3A4931A5f4E9;
uint256 nonce = 14;
address createAddress = computeCreateAddress(deployer, nonce);
assertEq(createAddress, 0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45);
function testGenerateCreate2Address() external {
bytes32 salt = bytes32(uint256(31415));
bytes32 initcodeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(0x6080));
address deployer = 0x6C9FC64A53c1b71FB3f9Af64d1ae3A4931A5f4E9;
address create2Address = computeCreate2Address(salt, initcodeHash, deployer);
assertEq(create2Address, 0xB147a5d25748fda14b463EB04B111027C290f4d3);
function testBytesToUint() external {
bytes memory maxUint = hex"ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff";
bytes memory two = hex"02";
bytes memory millionEther = hex"d3c21bcecceda1000000";
assertEq(bytesToUint(maxUint), type(uint256).max);
assertEq(bytesToUint(two), 2);
assertEq(bytesToUint(millionEther), 1_000_000 ether);
function testCannotConvertGT32Bytes() external {
bytes memory thirty3Bytes = hex"ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff";
vm.expectRevert("StdUtils bytesToUint(bytes): Bytes length exceeds 32.");