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1 year ago
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
import "../src/Test.sol";
contract StdAssertionsTest is Test {
string constant CUSTOM_ERROR = "guh!";
bool constant EXPECT_PASS = false;
bool constant EXPECT_FAIL = true;
TestTest t = new TestTest();
function testShouldFail() external {
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
function testAssertFalse_Pass() external {
t._assertFalse(false, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertFalse_Fail() external {
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: Assertion Failed");
t._assertFalse(true, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertFalse_Err_Pass() external {
t._assertFalse(false, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertFalse_Err_Fail() external {
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertFalse(true, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_Bool_Pass(bool a) external {
t._assertEq(a, a, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertEq_Bool_Fail(bool a, bool b) external {
vm.assume(a != b);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [bool]");
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_BoolErr_Pass(bool a) external {
t._assertEq(a, a, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertEq_BoolErr_Fail(bool a, bool b) external {
vm.assume(a != b);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertEq(a, b, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_Bytes_Pass(bytes calldata a) external {
t._assertEq(a, a, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertEq_Bytes_Fail(bytes calldata a, bytes calldata b) external {
vm.assume(keccak256(a) != keccak256(b));
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [bytes]");
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_BytesErr_Pass(bytes calldata a) external {
t._assertEq(a, a, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertEq_BytesErr_Fail(bytes calldata a, bytes calldata b) external {
vm.assume(keccak256(a) != keccak256(b));
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertEq(a, b, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_UintArr_Pass(uint256 e0, uint256 e1, uint256 e2) public {
uint256[] memory a = new uint256[](3);
a[0] = e0;
a[1] = e1;
a[2] = e2;
uint256[] memory b = new uint256[](3);
b[0] = e0;
b[1] = e1;
b[2] = e2;
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertEq_IntArr_Pass(int256 e0, int256 e1, int256 e2) public {
int256[] memory a = new int256[](3);
a[0] = e0;
a[1] = e1;
a[2] = e2;
int256[] memory b = new int256[](3);
b[0] = e0;
b[1] = e1;
b[2] = e2;
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertEq_AddressArr_Pass(address e0, address e1, address e2) public {
address[] memory a = new address[](3);
a[0] = e0;
a[1] = e1;
a[2] = e2;
address[] memory b = new address[](3);
b[0] = e0;
b[1] = e1;
b[2] = e2;
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertEq_UintArr_FailEl(uint256 e1) public {
vm.assume(e1 != 0);
uint256[] memory a = new uint256[](3);
uint256[] memory b = new uint256[](3);
b[1] = e1;
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [uint[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_IntArr_FailEl(int256 e1) public {
vm.assume(e1 != 0);
int256[] memory a = new int256[](3);
int256[] memory b = new int256[](3);
b[1] = e1;
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [int[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_AddressArr_FailEl(address e1) public {
vm.assume(e1 != address(0));
address[] memory a = new address[](3);
address[] memory b = new address[](3);
b[1] = e1;
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [address[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_UintArrErr_FailEl(uint256 e1) public {
vm.assume(e1 != 0);
uint256[] memory a = new uint256[](3);
uint256[] memory b = new uint256[](3);
b[1] = e1;
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [uint[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_IntArrErr_FailEl(int256 e1) public {
vm.assume(e1 != 0);
int256[] memory a = new int256[](3);
int256[] memory b = new int256[](3);
b[1] = e1;
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [int[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_AddressArrErr_FailEl(address e1) public {
vm.assume(e1 != address(0));
address[] memory a = new address[](3);
address[] memory b = new address[](3);
b[1] = e1;
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [address[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_UintArr_FailLen(uint256 lenA, uint256 lenB) public {
vm.assume(lenA != lenB);
vm.assume(lenA <= 10000);
vm.assume(lenB <= 10000);
uint256[] memory a = new uint256[](lenA);
uint256[] memory b = new uint256[](lenB);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [uint[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_IntArr_FailLen(uint256 lenA, uint256 lenB) public {
vm.assume(lenA != lenB);
vm.assume(lenA <= 10000);
vm.assume(lenB <= 10000);
int256[] memory a = new int256[](lenA);
int256[] memory b = new int256[](lenB);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [int[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_AddressArr_FailLen(uint256 lenA, uint256 lenB) public {
vm.assume(lenA != lenB);
vm.assume(lenA <= 10000);
vm.assume(lenB <= 10000);
address[] memory a = new address[](lenA);
address[] memory b = new address[](lenB);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [address[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_UintArrErr_FailLen(uint256 lenA, uint256 lenB) public {
vm.assume(lenA != lenB);
vm.assume(lenA <= 10000);
vm.assume(lenB <= 10000);
uint256[] memory a = new uint256[](lenA);
uint256[] memory b = new uint256[](lenB);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [uint[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_IntArrErr_FailLen(uint256 lenA, uint256 lenB) public {
vm.assume(lenA != lenB);
vm.assume(lenA <= 10000);
vm.assume(lenB <= 10000);
int256[] memory a = new int256[](lenA);
int256[] memory b = new int256[](lenB);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [int[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEq_AddressArrErr_FailLen(uint256 lenA, uint256 lenB) public {
vm.assume(lenA != lenB);
vm.assume(lenA <= 10000);
vm.assume(lenB <= 10000);
address[] memory a = new address[](lenA);
address[] memory b = new address[](lenB);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a == b not satisfied [address[]]");
t._assertEq(a, b, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertEqUint() public {
assertEqUint(uint8(1), uint128(1));
assertEqUint(uint64(2), uint64(2));
function testFailAssertEqUint() public {
assertEqUint(uint64(1), uint96(2));
assertEqUint(uint160(3), uint160(4));
function testAssertApproxEqAbs_Uint_Pass(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta) external {
vm.assume(, b) <= maxDelta);
t._assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqAbs_Uint_Fail(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta) external {
vm.assume(, b) > maxDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a ~= b not satisfied [uint]");
t._assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqAbs_UintErr_Pass(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta) external {
vm.assume(, b) <= maxDelta);
t._assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqAbs_UintErr_Fail(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta) external {
vm.assume(, b) > maxDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqAbsDecimal_Uint_Pass(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals)
vm.assume(, b) <= maxDelta);
t._assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqAbsDecimal_Uint_Fail(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals)
vm.assume(, b) > maxDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a ~= b not satisfied [uint]");
t._assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqAbsDecimal_UintErr_Pass(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals)
vm.assume(, b) <= maxDelta);
t._assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqAbsDecimal_UintErr_Fail(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals)
vm.assume(, b) > maxDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqAbs_Int_Pass(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta) external {
vm.assume(, b) <= maxDelta);
t._assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqAbs_Int_Fail(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta) external {
vm.assume(, b) > maxDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a ~= b not satisfied [int]");
t._assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqAbs_IntErr_Pass(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta) external {
vm.assume(, b) <= maxDelta);
t._assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqAbs_IntErr_Fail(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta) external {
vm.assume(, b) > maxDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqAbsDecimal_Int_Pass(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals) external {
vm.assume(, b) <= maxDelta);
t._assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqAbsDecimal_Int_Fail(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals) external {
vm.assume(, b) > maxDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a ~= b not satisfied [int]");
t._assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqAbsDecimal_IntErr_Pass(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals)
vm.assume(, b) <= maxDelta);
t._assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqAbsDecimal_IntErr_Fail(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals)
vm.assume(, b) > maxDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqRel_Uint_Pass(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta) external {
vm.assume(a < type(uint128).max && b < type(uint128).max && b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) <= maxPercentDelta);
t._assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqRel_Uint_Fail(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta) external {
vm.assume(a < type(uint128).max && b < type(uint128).max && b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) > maxPercentDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a ~= b not satisfied [uint]");
t._assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqRel_UintErr_Pass(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta) external {
vm.assume(a < type(uint128).max && b < type(uint128).max && b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) <= maxPercentDelta);
t._assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqRel_UintErr_Fail(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta) external {
vm.assume(a < type(uint128).max && b < type(uint128).max && b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) > maxPercentDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqRelDecimal_Uint_Pass(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals)
vm.assume(a < type(uint128).max && b < type(uint128).max && b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) <= maxPercentDelta);
t._assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqRelDecimal_Uint_Fail(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals)
vm.assume(a < type(uint128).max && b < type(uint128).max && b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) > maxPercentDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a ~= b not satisfied [uint]");
t._assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqRelDecimal_UintErr_Pass(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals)
vm.assume(a < type(uint128).max && b < type(uint128).max && b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) <= maxPercentDelta);
t._assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqRelDecimal_UintErr_Fail(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals)
vm.assume(a < type(uint128).max && b < type(uint128).max && b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) > maxPercentDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqRel_Int_Pass(int128 a, int128 b, uint128 maxPercentDelta) external {
vm.assume(b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) <= maxPercentDelta);
t._assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqRel_Int_Fail(int128 a, int128 b, uint128 maxPercentDelta) external {
vm.assume(b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) > maxPercentDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a ~= b not satisfied [int]");
t._assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqRel_IntErr_Pass(int128 a, int128 b, uint128 maxPercentDelta) external {
vm.assume(b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) <= maxPercentDelta);
t._assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqRel_IntErr_Fail(int128 a, int128 b, uint128 maxPercentDelta) external {
vm.assume(b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) > maxPercentDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqRelDecimal_Int_Pass(int128 a, int128 b, uint128 maxPercentDelta, uint128 decimals)
vm.assume(b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) <= maxPercentDelta);
t._assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqRelDecimal_Int_Fail(int128 a, int128 b, uint128 maxPercentDelta, uint128 decimals)
vm.assume(b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) > maxPercentDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log("Error: a ~= b not satisfied [int]");
t._assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals, EXPECT_FAIL);
function testAssertApproxEqRelDecimal_IntErr_Pass(int128 a, int128 b, uint128 maxPercentDelta, uint128 decimals)
vm.assume(b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) <= maxPercentDelta);
t._assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_PASS);
function testAssertApproxEqRelDecimal_IntErr_Fail(int128 a, int128 b, uint128 maxPercentDelta, uint128 decimals)
vm.assume(b != 0);
vm.assume(stdMath.percentDelta(a, b) > maxPercentDelta);
vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
emit log_named_string("Error", CUSTOM_ERROR);
t._assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals, CUSTOM_ERROR, EXPECT_FAIL);
contract TestTest is Test {
modifier expectFailure(bool expectFail) {
bool preState = vm.load(HEVM_ADDRESS, bytes32("failed")) != bytes32(0x00);
bool postState = vm.load(HEVM_ADDRESS, bytes32("failed")) != bytes32(0x00);
if (preState == true) {
if (expectFail) {
require(postState == true, "expected failure not triggered");
// unwind the expected failure, bytes32("failed"), bytes32(uint256(0x00)));
} else {
require(postState == false, "unexpected failure was triggered");
function _fail(string memory err) external expectFailure(true) {
function _assertFalse(bool data, bool expectFail) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
function _assertFalse(bool data, string memory err, bool expectFail) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertFalse(data, err);
function _assertEq(bool a, bool b, bool expectFail) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertEq(a, b);
function _assertEq(bool a, bool b, string memory err, bool expectFail) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertEq(a, b, err);
function _assertEq(bytes memory a, bytes memory b, bool expectFail) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertEq(a, b);
function _assertEq(bytes memory a, bytes memory b, string memory err, bool expectFail)
assertEq(a, b, err);
function _assertEq(uint256[] memory a, uint256[] memory b, bool expectFail) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertEq(a, b);
function _assertEq(int256[] memory a, int256[] memory b, bool expectFail) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertEq(a, b);
function _assertEq(address[] memory a, address[] memory b, bool expectFail) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertEq(a, b);
function _assertEq(uint256[] memory a, uint256[] memory b, string memory err, bool expectFail)
assertEq(a, b, err);
function _assertEq(int256[] memory a, int256[] memory b, string memory err, bool expectFail)
assertEq(a, b, err);
function _assertEq(address[] memory a, address[] memory b, string memory err, bool expectFail)
assertEq(a, b, err);
function _assertApproxEqAbs(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta);
function _assertApproxEqAbs(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta, string memory err, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta, err);
function _assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals);
function _assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(
uint256 a,
uint256 b,
uint256 maxDelta,
uint256 decimals,
string memory err,
bool expectFail
) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals, err);
function _assertApproxEqAbs(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta);
function _assertApproxEqAbs(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta, string memory err, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, maxDelta, err);
function _assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals);
function _assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(
int256 a,
int256 b,
uint256 maxDelta,
uint256 decimals,
string memory err,
bool expectFail
) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(a, b, maxDelta, decimals, err);
function _assertApproxEqRel(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta);
function _assertApproxEqRel(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, string memory err, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta, err);
function _assertApproxEqRelDecimal(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals);
function _assertApproxEqRelDecimal(
uint256 a,
uint256 b,
uint256 maxPercentDelta,
uint256 decimals,
string memory err,
bool expectFail
) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals, err);
function _assertApproxEqRel(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta);
function _assertApproxEqRel(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, string memory err, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqRel(a, b, maxPercentDelta, err);
function _assertApproxEqRelDecimal(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals, bool expectFail)
assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals);
function _assertApproxEqRelDecimal(
int256 a,
int256 b,
uint256 maxPercentDelta,
uint256 decimals,
string memory err,
bool expectFail
) external expectFailure(expectFail) {
assertApproxEqRelDecimal(a, b, maxPercentDelta, decimals, err);