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214 lines
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214 lines
7.9 KiB
2 years ago
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {Punkhunt} from "../src/Punkhunt.sol";
import {Duck} from "../src/Duck.sol";
import {Zapper} from "../src/Zapper.sol";
contract DuckTest is Test {
using stdStorage for StdStorage;
Punkhunt public punkhunt;
Duck public duck;
Zapper public zapper;
uint256 duckPrice;
uint256 zapperPrice;
address victim = address(1);
address killer = address(2);
function setUp() public {
punkhunt = new Punkhunt();
duck = new Duck();
zapper = new Zapper();
duckPrice = punkhunt.duckPrice();
zapperPrice = punkhunt.zapperPrice();
// // ensure only Punkhunt can mint/burn/kill
// function testOnlyPunkhunt() public {
// address t = address(1);
// startHoax(t);
// vm.expectRevert(bytes("invalid msg sender"));
// duck.radicalize(t, 10);
// vm.expectRevert(bytes("invalid msg sender"));
// duck.die(1);
// vm.expectRevert(bytes("invalid msg sender"));
// zapper.create(t, 10);
// vm.expectRevert(bytes("invalid msg sender"));
// zapper.explode(t, 10);
// assertEq(duck.totalSupply() == 0, true);
// }
// // ensure killing increments leaderboard
// function testLeaderboard() public {
// uint256 amt = 20;
// punkhunt.toggleMayhem();
// hoax(victim);
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice * amt}(amt);
// startHoax(killer);
// punkhunt.assembleBombs{value: zapperPrice * amt}(amt);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(3);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(3);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(3);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(3);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(3);
// assertEq(punkhunt.leaderboard(punkhunt.leaderboardPointer()), killer);
// assertEq(punkhunt.ducksKilled() > 0, true);
// console.log(punkhunt.killCount(killer));
// }
// // ensure killing toggles URI
// function testURIToggling() public {
// duck.setBaseURI('ipfs://base/');
// punkhunt.toggleMayhem();
// startHoax(victim);
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice}(1);
// assertEq(duck.tokenURI(1), 'ipfs://base/1.json');
// punkhunt.sendBombs(1);
// assertEq(duck.tokenURI(1), 'ipfs://base/dead.json');
// }
// // ensure sending zappers burns zappers
// function testBombBurning() public {
// punkhunt.toggleMayhem();
// hoax(victim);
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice * 20}(20);
// startHoax(killer);
// punkhunt.assembleBombs{value: zapperPrice * 20}(20);
// assertEq(punkhunt.zapperBalance(killer), 20);
// assertEq(punkhunt.zappersExploded(), 0);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(5);
// assertEq(punkhunt.zapperBalance(killer), 15);
// assertEq(punkhunt.zappersExploded(), 5);
// }
// // ensure sending zappers doesn't bork
// function testSendBombErrors() public {
// punkhunt.toggleMayhem();
// hoax(address(1));
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice * 20}(20);
// hoax(address(2));
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice * 20}(20);
// hoax(address(3));
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice * 20}(20);
// startHoax(address(4));
// punkhunt.assembleBombs{value: zapperPrice * 200}(200);
// vm.warp(2);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(1);
// vm.warp(300);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(1);
// vm.warp(400);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(1);
// vm.warp(500);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(1);
// vm.warp(6000);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(1);
// vm.warp(7000);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(1);
// vm.warp(8000);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(1);
// vm.warp(9000);
// punkhunt.sendBombs(1);
// }
// // ensure wallet limits enforced
// function testWalletMintLimit() public {
// uint256 max = punkhunt.duckMaxMintPerWallet();
// startHoax(victim);
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: max * duckPrice}(max);
// vm.expectRevert("cannot exceed maximum per wallet");
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice}(1);
// }
// // ensure supply limits enforced
// function testMaximumSupply() public {
// uint256 maxSupply = punkhunt.duckMaxSupply();
// uint256 slot = stdstore
// .target(address(duck))
// .sig("minted()")
// .find();
// bytes32 loc = bytes32(slot);
// bytes32 mockedCurrentTokenId = bytes32(abi.encode(maxSupply - 1));
//, loc, mockedCurrentTokenId);
// assertEq(punkhunt.ducksRadicalized(), (maxSupply - 1));
// startHoax(victim);
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice}(1);
// vm.expectRevert(bytes("supply reached"));
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice}(1);
// }
// // ensure survivor limit enforced and actions halted
// function testSurvivors() public {
// uint256 maxSupply = punkhunt.duckMaxSupply();
// uint256 maxSurvivorCount = punkhunt.duckMaxSurvivorCount();
// uint256 slot = stdstore
// .target(address(duck))
// .sig("minted()")
// .find();
// bytes32 loc = bytes32(slot);
// bytes32 a = bytes32(abi.encode(maxSupply)); // 10k
//, loc, a);
// slot = stdstore
// .target(address(duck))
// .sig("burned()")
// .find();
// loc = bytes32(slot);
// a = bytes32(abi.encode((maxSupply - maxSurvivorCount))); // 1k
//, loc, a);
// startHoax(victim);
// vm.expectRevert(bytes("mission already completed"));
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice}(1);
// vm.expectRevert(bytes("mission already completed"));
// punkhunt.assembleBombs{value: zapperPrice}(1);
// vm.expectRevert(bytes("mission already completed"));
// punkhunt.sendBombs(1);
// }
// // ensure withdraw function works as expected
// function testWithdrawalWorksAsOwner() public {
// address owner = punkhunt.owner();
// uint256 ownerStartBalance = owner.balance;
// assertEq(address(punkhunt).balance, 0);
// hoax(victim);
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice * 10}(10);
// uint256 contractBalance = address(punkhunt).balance;
// assertEq(contractBalance, duckPrice * 10);
// punkhunt.withdraw();
// assertEq(owner.balance, ownerStartBalance + contractBalance);
// }
// // ensure only owner can withdraw
// function testWithdrawalFailsAsNotOwner() public {
// hoax(victim);
// punkhunt.radicalizeBoomers{value: duckPrice * 10}(10);
// uint256 contractBalance = address(punkhunt).balance;
// assertEq(contractBalance, duckPrice * 10);
// vm.expectRevert("UNAUTHORIZED");
// hoax(address(0xd3ad));
// punkhunt.withdraw();
// vm.expectRevert("UNAUTHORIZED");
// hoax(address(123));
// punkhunt.withdraw();
// }
// // ensure NFT contracts do not accept Ether
// function testNoAcceptEther() public {
// (bool tbb, ) = payable(address(zapper)).call{value: .5 ether}("");
// assertEq(tbb, false);
// (bool tbr, ) = payable(address(duck)).call{value: .5 ether}("");
// assertEq(tbr, false);
// }
// Function to receive Ether. must be empty
receive() external payable {}
// Fallback function is called when is not empty
fallback() external payable {}